Indiana Jones and the Descent 7"


Hi All

While on an expedition in the South American Jungle Indaina Jones discover a cavern with ancient ruins inside, He quickly grabs a rope and starts the DESCENT down to discover what treasures and mysteries can be found.

This was a really fun dio to make as it didn't have to do with anything from the movies so I could make what I wanted. Once the dio and figure were built and puttied they were painted using Vallejo, Repaer and Games Workshop paints.

I wanted to give this diorama a feeling that Indy is climbing down the rope but I also wanted to add depth by adding different levels such as the columns and stones being different levels, and making the rope hang in mid air as if it's tied to something and amking it longer then the column.

To simulate Indy decsending down the rope while in mid air I drilled a hole in the column and in Indy's leg and cut some coat hanger wire and inserted it both into both.


1: The figure and base - The figure/base are from Disney's 7" line the figures joints have been superglued and then sculpty clay used to fill in the gaps. It was the repainted and hand from a 7" Star Trek figure were replaced with the original hands.

The base has had an extra column added by cutting of the top and then gluing another one on top, the part that was cut off was added to the base. The stone blocks have been put into place then an axtra smal stone block was added and placed on top of one if the buried stone blocks.

The plants are a combination of plastic fish tank plants which have been drybrushed, lichen moss which a got from a craft store and model railway shrubs from woodland scenics. The dirt is fine sand reapainted and dry brushed, The bones are from some dinosaurs kits I had in my bits box.






