Any Musicians Here?


First off, let me just say I was intending to post this about a week ago, but I noticed that there was a thread here called "Band Geeks", which discouraged me. But I was never in my high school band, drumline, or anything of that sort so without attempting to be derivative I just think I'll post my original idea:

How many musicians do we have here in The Raven? I'm guessing quite a few. I myself have been drumming for almost seven years and have been playing the guitar for about a year and a half (about three or four years of lessons on the drums, and I've just been working on the guitar myself). Feel free to discuss musical influences/interests as well, how they affect your style, etc.

Also, how many musicians here are in bands, or making original music anyway? I'll start this off again and say that I intend to turn what was a group of friends jamming at the end of last summer into a band, upon my return home from college next week. Well, one of the guitarists and I are really eager to, anyway. But while I've been here at college, I've been making my own little compositions on my laptop using Garageband, and finally got the courage (and the microphone) this semester to attempt singing for the first time and make some more. (Also note that I had to program MIDI drums for all but one of the songs, because the drumset available on campus is not very impressive) So, to bring this slightly meandering post to a close, I'll post the link, and hopefully others can post any information/links pertaining to them, and we can all have a grand old time.


New member
Hi there. I play guitar, and am also working on some of my own material. Mostly folk-rock based. But sadly I'm not much of a song writer.


New member
I can play chopsticks, heart & soul, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, My Heart Will Go On, and greensleeves on the piano. That is the full extent of my amazing musical capabilities. I want to take lessons again but I think I'm too old to start. Oh well.

And I had the opportunity to learn guitar/bass for free for YEARS and I never bothered to try. I hate myself so much for that.

I think everyone should be familiar with at least one musical instrument.


New member
My husband owns his own (albeit small) record label. The two bands he really worked with just broke up though. We also met online because of our deep love of music.

I played flute in elementary school and would like to play *something* again. Maybe find a used guitar and just mess around with it. I definitely want my kids to learn piano and drums and whatever else they want.


New member
I've always had a keyboard to play around with since probably 5th or 6th grade. In 2002 I took a beginner's piano class at the community college and took to it pretty well, but I never followed through with it. :(

But I like to mess around with my keyboard from time to time and come up with things on the fly using the built-in sequencer. In 2003 I provided the score for a short film my friend and I made, and in 2004 I went back and replaced the film scores in my student films with my own original music. And sometime this year I may be providing the music for a new webseries my friend is involved with, which should be exciting. I don't plan to pursue music full-time or anything, but it's something fun to play around with on the side.


New member
I dabble in a bit of Bass Guitar but I'm not very good.

oh and... I can play a bit of digeridoo and have some bongos which I got from Rwanda. :p


Well-known member
I've been playing guitar for about 3 years. I like acoustic way better then electric, even though I own both. I'm pretty good. Me and my buddy sort of have a parody band and play for laughs more than anything. I write most of our music. I'm working on an Indiana Jones song now lol.


Jason said:
Hi, I'm Jason. I'm newer to the board, even though I've read it for a long time I just never posted.

Here is my band, Beat Graveyard:

I play guitar and write.

Good stuff. The Nirvana influence starts showing through after the first song, especially in the last two, which is never a bad thing.


New member
Yeah Jason, you guys look cool but unfortunantly I don't have speakers on my computer...

I happen to be very talented at the Kazoo.


New member
I play trumpet, both jazz and symphonic. I'm also teaching myself banjo, clarinet, and piano. Next comes the alto saxophone.


New member
whipem said:
Good stuff. The Nirvana influence starts showing through after the first song, especially in the last two, which is never a bad thing.

Nirvana and Indiana Jones changed my life. :D


Jason said:
Nirvana and Indiana Jones changed my life. :D
OK...I've been listening to Pandora (station right now is Tool radio), and I just now decided to check The Raven, clicked on this thread, and as soon as I scrolled down to your post -- I'm not kidding, it was the same exact second -- "All Apologies" started playing.


New member
i taught myself to play the drums by listening to Todd Nance, the drummer for Widespread Panic. The best band in the world!


New member
Thats a little bit trippy. Although if it happened to me it would be no suprise. The station I listen to can't stop playing Nirvana. Kurt Cobain was a musical mastermind, but I think they see him as God.

Matinee Idyll

New member
I play music, but I certainly wouldn't consider myself a musician...

Here's a song written by myself and my girlfriend, 'The Seven Beards of Cecil Best' - I'm playing all the instruments. If you like late 60's Kinks, Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band, The Move, The Idle Race, The Small Faces, Blossom Toes, etc - I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!


New member
I used to be a pianist when I was growing up. As the years passed by, I just became your all-time listener. Became a huge rock music fan, consisting mostly indie rock, post-punk, and classic rock. I'm looking forward to some free concerts next month in the NYC area. That should be awesome:)