Swords of the Cairo Thugs


It bothers me that the Cairo thug figure comes with a scimitar, while in the movie the thugs use swords with thinner blades. So, does anyone know of a good source for screen-accurate swords for my Cairo thugs?


New member
Kevin said:
It bothers me that the Cairo thug figure comes with a scimitar, while in the movie the thugs use swords with thinner blades. So, does anyone know of a good source for screen-accurate swords for my Cairo thugs?

Best I can suggest is Mutt Williams Sword from the 3 3/4 figures.


New member
indyclone25 said:
yeah , and there's plenty of mutt's out there to get a pair of swords from ----lol

...and then you can donate the Mutts to goodwill or rip open the package in the entrance of TRU, take the sword, and then hand the rest to the first kid who walks in the door.


Good ideas. Not as helpful to the line, but you could also use swords from the Pirates toyline. Some of Jack Sparrow's buddies could help...


New member
Dr._Jones_Jr. said:
...and then you can donate the Mutts to goodwill or rip open the package in the entrance of TRU, take the sword, and then hand the rest to the first kid who walks in the door.

Are you suggesting theft?


New member
I think he's saying, buy the Mutt, open it as soon as you get out the door, give the Mutt away to whomever you see first, but keep the sword.
Don't you know that the Cairo Thugs are all clones of the Cairo Swordsman? In "Indiana Jones and the Attack of the Cairo Thugs" we will learn that there was a secret Nazi project to create an Arab army using the Swordsman as a master template. Those German guys standing around wearing the suits were carefully monitoring the project. They discovered that the clone thugs had a slight genetic defect in which they were prone to hit their heads on low entrances and they were completely ineffective against stopping anyone with a gun. The Nazis soon abandoned the use of genetically inferior Arab clone thugs in favor of cloning armies of Aryan goose-stepping morons.


Thanks for the suggestions, looks like I will be picking up another Mutt or two. Guess I'll be doing my part to clear out the old stock :)