The Washer Thread


New member
Now I know we have all made mistakes when it comes to washing and drying our clothes and leaving things in the pockets without remembering to take them out. For me it's the occainsional dollar bills, paper, coins and once in the worst case scenario my wallet:dead: which was destroyed in the process resulting in a new one :rolleyes: I think the worst situation I had to deal with was the mistake of leaving a Milky Way bar in my pocket was I was 12. My mother was doing the daily load of laundry and I had just arrived home from the bus and my jeans were muddy because it had been raining hard that day and I played football at recess with my friends outside despite the weather. Anyways my mother asked me to give them to her to get clean and I did but the thought of that candy bar never crossed my mind even though I had left it in my right pocket after lunch that day. My mother always had the water go from hot to start and cold to finish. She threw my jeans in there with the rest of the load and started the washer having no idea of the candy bar that lied inside my pocket. By the end of the wash the milky way had completed melted and crusted onto the shirts when my mother screamed "what the hell is this sh*t?! I wasn't sure what all the fuss was about untill she asked me "did you leave candy in your pocket alton?! I forgot completely all about the bar and replied "I don't remember?" She was not a happy camper and the new rule was either I cleaned out my pockets or I had to do my own laundry. As for the shirts and other clothes that the chocolate melted on well each stain holds the story;) but their in the garbage dump now

Morning Bell

New member
My wallet has gone through at least one or two spins through the machine. I'm amazed all of my insurance and credit cards haven't deteriorated yet.