I am seeing Raiders on the big screen tonight for the first time.


New member
I've been an Indy fan since childhood, but the only one I've ever seen in a theatre is Kingdom, obviously.

Tonight, though, there is a local 70-year old theatre less than a block away from my dorm that's screening the film. Shame I left my Raiders t-shirt at home...


Morning Bell

New member
Lucky you! I got to see it at a local theater here several years ago and it was an amazing experience. Nothing beats seeing Indy on the big screen.
I'm jealous! I can't wait to catch it in the theater again...make sure you let us know how it went!

If you're near

Regency Fairfax Theatre
7907 Beverly Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90048 (323) 655-4010
Friday, May 01, 2009:

It's on the big screen tonight!

Mr. Fusion

Raiders on the silver screen is heaven. I was blessed enough to see it in 2001 at a local theater. They play a lot of more artsy films. They also play older films when available. It was a kick ass time.


Well-known member
nothing beats seeing it on the big screen ---- i'm hoping that my local marcus theatre will have their summer classics again this summer and i hope they play at least one indiana jones film !!!


Well-known member
Damn. Cool for you, but I'd kill to see any of the Indy films on the big screen besides KOTCS (I see it 4 times).

One day it will come. One day.


New member
Congrats, I'm going to see it in the theatre on May 23rd. Very excited.

Tommorow I'm going to see Back to the Future, and over the course of the summer, this theatre is also running the Shining, Ghostbusters, and The Big Lebowski.

so wah mu

Aye! I blame Borris Johnson

Darth Vile said:
I'm really peeved off that they don't seem to do anything like this in the UK... :(

i'm glad someone brought it up. Especially an all four back to back screening, at a drive in style showing.

but without the cars.

....which kinda defeats the whole point of a drive in.


...i'll shut up.


#shuffles off stage left#
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New member
Well, it was great. Packed house, audience of all ages. I've seen it so many times, but with a large audience that are interested in the movie it's a whole new experience. I found myself laughing out loud at many points. I wanna do it again! (y)


Active member
I know what you mean... a couple of years ago a small theater here had an Indy-triple night, and it was a BLAST. Like with your screening, it was people of all ages, and ALL of them were absolutely into the movies. There was laughing, cheering and even applause in all the right places. It was a fantastic experience!


New member
Rocket Surgeon said:
I'm jealous! I can't wait to catch it in the theater again...make sure you let us know how it went!

If you're near

Regency Fairfax Theatre
7907 Beverly Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90048 (323) 655-4010
Friday, May 01, 2009:

It's on the big screen tonight!

Damn I wish I had known about this ahead of time. :mad: :mad:


New member
Dr.Sartorius said:
Damn I wish I had known about this ahead of time. :mad: :mad:

If you aren't too far from Ventura, it's playing there on the 28th. My husband and I are driving from Long Beach to see it. (y)

Col. Detritch

New member
Raiders on the big screen! Thats got to rock! I wish they did that where I live. Though this is off topic, they did a Star Wars back to back at my local theater... Its a shame I couldn't make it through the night!:(


New member
Col. Detritch said:
they did a Star Wars back to back at my local theater... Its a shame I couldn't make it through the night!:(
Cool! (y)
I did attend a Star Trek I-VI night once.
(Saturday 8 pm until Sunday 10 am or something like that - w/ coffee breaks at the bar outside the big auditorium)
Feel asleep during V but was back on track for VI, LOL!

So in which order did they run them? I-III, IV-VI or the other way around?

Just curious,


New member
I can't believe I just saw this thread. I'd have gone to Oswego in a hearbeat to see Raiders on the big screen. I can't ever seem to find a place that does this....


New member
DocWhiskey said:
Damn. Cool for you, but I'd kill to see any of the Indy films on the big screen besides KOTCS (I see it 4 times).

One day it will come. One day.
I saw "Raiders" in the theater as a kid in 1981. I knew nothing about it except Harrison Ford was in it and Lucas and Spielberg were involved and since I was a Star Wars fan that was enough for me. Thought it was going to be about Noah's Ark or something. Needless to say I was blown away. Got right back on line. (On the line to the theater that is, not a computer.) Saw 'em all in the theater first. Reading these posts I realize how lucky I was!


New member
Back at college three months ago a theater downtown from my dorm showed Raiders on the big screen,i saw it opening night to a packed house, it was the most amazing movie experience. almost as if i was there opening night back in 81',then me and my friend who also loves Indy saw it again and he also said it was the best best movie going experience,for the longest time Raiders was the ONE movie i wanted to see on the big screen and i finally did :)