Dangerous Indy Moments in your own life.


New member
I'm rather new to the board, but I have read many posts and enjoyed them all. I was just wondering, has anyone else have an indy moment? I mean the dangerous kind. I'll give you an example.

One day I was hiking up a mountain with some friends near where I live. It was a rather steep slope with a cliff about twenty feet below u; now it wasn't too deep of a cliff, but large enough to do some damage. While we were hiking I hit some loose rock and started to slide down the side of the mountain. I was almost to the the edge of the cliff (In fact my feet were kind of dangling off the side.) When I grabbed hold of a branch that was close by and stopped myself. My friends lowered a rope and pulled me up, but needless to say, we took a little break after that.

Any moments like that?
Bytheby, this is a true story.

Gregoire Defence

New member
Wow, IndyMac! :D And Welcome to the Raven.

I just I have had some dangerious Indy moments in my life.
Only a few

-I encountered a rattlesnake in the mountains of PA. It started rattling and I did not know what to do, so I just walked away slowly. It was fine.

-I was in a building that was under suspion of a bomb threat, until the police came and pushed everybody out.

-When I was a kid, I went white water rafting with the boyscouts, and I fell in the river. So I went down the rapids in my life jacket. Then I grabed someones paddle and hopped into their raft. Just in time for the small waterfall that we went down. :D

that's all I can think of


New member
more then once... i'm pritty good at it hehe
no i told you bout the time at the mine
been a couple outher but can't rember them now... not something to big the mind thing was the biggest thing


New member
Hey, I too have a raft story!

Me and my dad went for some rafting in the alpes ones. We were rafting top speed and I didn't saw this HUGE branch which was about to hit me on the head rather hard (okay, I wore a helmet, but it can feel pretty nasty in the face though). I dodged it the last second by swinging my body backwards. Felt pretty Indy-ish at the moment. :)


Welcome Indy-mac! :D

Got ur pakkage already? :)


New member
ow yes rembered! we were in france whit school and we went cave explotring! we got a special suit... well mine was to big and got under my shoe's it got very slippy! at time it was balance or fall down for a long fall.... been lucky dow never happend anything! well underway we did see one guy get stuck hehehe and my friend almost lighted herself when she lighted the little light on her candle! hehe kinde funny!
she was feeling trou the fire and i was looking like surprised at here and she said "what? " and i was like "your hand is in the fire! " hehe it was a gas driven light so you had to cary this pack next to you... that was kinde hard to get trou the small places... if it got stuck so were you! lol
most my friends started freeking when they said what we sould do ... it was go on your back trou this small hole to then go for a silde down... it was like go in a balc hole and see you do'nt get stuck hehehe

the ride their wasn't to save eighter! jeezes the guy was speeding on a little clif whit a car of 20 years old if it isn't more hehe

anyway i'm babling to much again! just rembered that

Indy Canuck

New member
Let's see, I've already mentioned my car-bomb experience in Spain (where we also learned that there was a reason that we couldn't find the post office--it had been blown up two days before that)

That aside, I've been:
-stalked by a wolf,
-charged by a bear,
-nearly slid down a Spanish mountain and ripped to shreds by very Indy-style vines (I swear those things were ALIVE, searching for some way to grab limbs and clothes...fun 'cause we didn't die).
-Skiing down a rocky cliff because I missed the trail, although that's more 007's style.

There are others, but those are the most death-defying I've done.


I also encountered a rattlesnake during a one day fishing excursion when I was twelve.

Normally, rattlers make noise before they strike. I guess it I scared the hell out of it because it just struck without so much as a rattle.

Luckily for me I had an old folding nylon lawn chair in my hands. And it struck the aluminum and nylon chair instead of my leg.

Of course the rattler was not so lucky when I used the same chair to exact my revenge!


New member
Wow, sounds like almost everyone has one. I just remembered another one of mine.

It was when I was about ten years old. Our family decided to go to one of the Ice cave attractions that was only about two hours away. The whole place was just amazing. We actually walk on the planks on top of the water that had frozen. The tour guide was talking and saying don't get to close to the edge because if we were to fall in, we would break through the ice and freeze.I was enjoying myself throughout the entire thing when the tourguide said "Okay, now I'm going to turn of the lights and show you all the glowing crystals that surround the cave." With that the lights went out and everyone started to look around at the cave walls. I wasn't paying attention and all the sudden I lost my balance and started to fall backwards. Now that part isn't scary at all, but I was at the back of the crowd..On the EDGE of the wood walkway.
Luckily, I got my balance before I fell into the ice. They then turned the lights on and continued the tour.
Another true story.


Moderator Emeritus
Once I had the stupid idea of climing a sort of cliff, it was extremly slipery and I was wearing no shoes. I almost fell a few times but half way up I couldn't go back. It was overlooking sharp rocks and violent water. I was glad when I got to the top.

Also when I broke my leg snowboarding, I guess my fall was kinda indyesque (Not very indyesque when I heard my leg crack though!).

Welcome IndyMac. :D


I'ld be the marcas type of charactor:

once way back when in a school gym field trip, we went cannoeing (I know I spelled that one wrong) and I tipped the boat over about 10 times, we fell an hour behind the pack

and...{mola ram voice}Velcome{/mola ram voice} copyright 2002 jones1899 :D eh jones?

Indy 256

New member
6 years ago when I was in a national park in the US(I think it was Yosimite, don't remember) with my family, me and my mother took a walk while the rest were resting.
We walked over this sandy road and after a while we turned back. Now we were like 5 minutes underway since we turned back, so we used the exact same route than the way we came there. Now, the first thing that amazed me as a 10 year old where footprints. So when we were going back, I was watching the footprints we had already made when all of a sudden I saw something that wasn't there before. These HUGE footprints, probably bearprints, and about a meter further there was this GIGANTIC pile of sh*t (if you compare it to dog poo or something). Now my mother almost freaked out. She started to see grizzlys everywhere, only 10 minutes past since we had been standing on that same place so that bear was't very far away. I eventually saw the bear from a distance (100 meters or so) and this one was pretty big, not that I've seen a lot of bears before but it looked pretty big. My mom and I quietly made our exit and returned to my dad and brother. Not near death experience bit very exciting if your 10 years old:)


New member
Actually my brother was the lucky bastard who had an Indy adventure.

It has been like 6 years ago (my brother was 6 then), and we, me and my brother, were walking, with a few friends that we met there, on a small sandy road. Next to the road was a slope, and down the slope was a fast streaming river. If you'd fall into that, you wouldn't survive.

So my brother was a bit running and suddenly he fell of the road, and went off the slope. He could reach a branch and hold himself there. We didn't had a rope so we couldn't throw a rope to him. So the friends we met made a human ladder. And so they could reach my brother, who was like 3 meters away...


New member
Another one was in France. And this time it was me who was the lucky bastard.

I saw 2 kids playing with those play guns, you know, who just say "Pang" with smoke comming out. So i thought, how about testing my acting. So I made a gun with my fingers and aimed at them, and then they fired the gun. So I fell down. They runned to me and beated me up =). And that happend like 10 times on the same day. Okay I liked it too.

But the next day, they were searching for me, with 10 people, for hours on the camping we were staying. I needed to run like hell, to not be shot. And they even had cycles!

It's a dangerous job... acting


New member
I had a couple of Dangerous moments. Well not too dangerous, where I used to live with my mom and dad I fought back lots of snakes. very wood area.

But one of my scariest moments was just a couple of months back.

I was reading when I heard loud screaming and yelling. I looked out my front window to see a man in his early 30's holding a teenager by the neck. He was holding a knife, a large Machette, to his throat. A woman was crying, yelling "Don't kill my kid! Please don't."

I ran and called 911. I did something really stupid, I snuck around the side of my house to get a better look. I don't have a gun or anything in the house. All I had was one of my swords.
They guy saw me and started screaming. "This little M***** stole my wallet!!"
I was scared he was gonna kill the kid, but about a little while later the police finally showed up.

I told my friends at work about it, all they said was that every time I come back to work I got some kinda story to tell.

And I fell off a cliff last year, almost broke my nose. I went rock climbing,but at least I had a harnest on. I sliped and swung forward, my face hit the side of the cliff before I fell! Ouch! I had to wear one of those little white nose guards for a week.

Oh yeah, I was kidnapped once, but I don't remember it. My dad says I was kidnapped, so I guess I was! :)
He said that I was standing next to him in a K-Mart looking at cards when he turned around I was gone.
He said that they found a lady at the back running with me in her arms! They arrested her and daddy got me back!

Oh well....

Indy Heith

Oh God Yeah Man I Have HAd PLenty So Many I cant Remember'em All!!!! One time I was Groundslidin' With My Horse with a home made ground slide and we hit a big ol' rock the slide tipped over and I fell to the ground then the slide flipped aver and was 1 second from crashin' down on me.... when I rolled just in time to make it out of its way.... then one time.... Oh well I guess Ill just shut up cause "SOMEONE" Might start talkin' junk again ;)!!!! WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!