How do I get back into Indy?


New member
I was very hyped before/during/after the Indy 4 premiere, and was an active member here. I'd make sure I read all the comics and watched all the episodes, The Raven was basically my Summer. I have since lost EVERY once of fandom for Indy.

So how do I get back?

The Drifter

New member
Re-watch the movies, read the novels, even try writing a fanfic?
I have grown bored of certain things that I am a fan of, but the old fire always burns again.


New member
Maybe you shouldn't try to get back into Indy fandom, but just let it run its course. If it's something that you really love, you won't stay away forever... the DVDs will call your name and one day you'll pull RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK off the shelf and be excited about it. Heck, I suggest you use this time to discover something else other than Indiana Jones.

There's no reason to think that you should be "hopped up" on fandom all the time. Heck, in the scheme of things, Indiana Jones isn't really important.

Indy's brother

New member
Yeah, I'm experiencing a bit of lull myself. I'm thinking that if Staff of Kings isn't completely terrible, it may bring me back into the fold a little. I wouldn't be surprised if many fans are going through an Indy hangover after KOTCS--both the lovers and haters of the film.

Dr Bones

New member
Try engorssoing yourself in something else you enjoy...then come back to Indy refreshed whne you feel like it. Threre's no "best before" date on a DVD!

I find just listening to the soundtrack really makes me want to watch he films again.


New member
Yeah, I felt like that, too. What brought me back was the Indy novels, actually. I ordered all of MacGregor's IJ books + Caidin's Sky Pirates online in a morning after Christmas hangover haze. (Stupid borders and their "you may also like..." hooks. They reeled me in.) Try the books and the video games, if you're into that sort of thing.

I don't think anything will be able to recapture that feeling you had in the anticipation for KotCS, though. All those moments will be lost in time. Like tears in rain.


New member
I myself find that working on some fun fan stuff, creating Indy adventures from my own imaginations, actually keeps me pretty much in full time Indy-mode :) Next to that, Indy Lego's always get me into the right spirit, specially with the soundtrack in the background!


New member
Or it could be all the TV shows coming back. I didn't have those during the Summer. Also, I think Terminator will be my Indy this year, thought I'm not as excited for it yet. But then again, the Indy hype started in May.


New member
LostArk said:
I was very hyped before/during/after the Indy 4 premiere, and was an active member here. I'd make sure I read all the comics and watched all the episodes, The Raven was basically my Summer. I have since lost EVERY once of fandom for Indy.

So how do I get back?
Here are a couple of ailments Don't watch an Indy film for 6 mounths (very hard) then go to Disney Hollywood Studios and have fun watching Indy real person or you could go to Tempe of the Forbidden eye.

Get into collecting gear and or Props.

If these don't work move on in life I'm shure you'll always come back to Indy!:hat:


Well-known member
LostArk said:
I was very hyped before/during/after the Indy 4 premiere, and was an active member here. I'd make sure I read all the comics and watched all the episodes, The Raven was basically my Summer. I have since lost EVERY once of fandom for Indy.

So how do I get back?

Your what we call a "fair weather fan"

Indy's brother

New member
Nurhachi1991 said:
Your what we call a "fair weather fan"
And saying that makes you what we would call a "????????". Seriously, what's with all the tension around here lately? Think for a minute. Would a "fair weather fan" be concerned with their own fandom? Concerned enough to come here asking for a cure? And if you are a bigger or better fan than this guy, does that give you a free pass to slam him for not being you? I usually stay out of this stuff, but what the hell Nurhachi?


Well-known member
Indy's brother said:
And saying that makes you what we would call a "????????". Seriously, what's with all the tension around here lately? Think for a minute. Would a "fair weather fan" be concerned with their own fandom? Concerned enough to come here asking for a cure? And if you are a bigger or better fan than this guy, does that give you a free pass to slam him for not being you? I usually stay out of this stuff, but what the hell Nurhachi?

How do you lose a spark for Indy? Christ its just a movie character your either a fan of the movies or your not. Generally people that get excited right before the movie that comes out and fizzle out a few months later are fair weather fans. Like most Patriot's fans but thats not the point. There are times when I'm more enthusiastic about Indy and sometimes I'm less but I would never say "I have lost every ounce of Indy fandom" and you wouldn't say that either just because there is not alot of new Indy action going on lately does not mean stop enjoying the movies. Real fans stick with it through thick and thin hell there are waaaaaay bigger fans of Indy than myself on this board people that have followed Indy since 1981 to 2009 now that is a true fan.


New member
Well, by car, use I-70 or I-74 from the east and west, or I-65 from Chicago and Louisville...

vf wing

New member
Immersion in the TV show has kept my interest high lately. Being a new convert to it, it's all still very new to me. I'm on my second pass thru the entire collection and my appreciation for it is really just beginning!


New member
Hobbies wax and wane a bit. I'm a big Indy fan, but a significantly bigger Iron Man guy. It's a hobby I've had for maybe 20 years now, but after the Iron Man movie, I've been a bit burnt out.

The last couple of years had been Iron Man overload for me. I flew to California and interviewed the Director of the movie, met with and interviewed the primary cast for my zine, went to the premier, was credited in a recently published book about the character, and have reorganized my collection to accommodate new stuff more times than I can remember.

Now, before one of the flaming trolls here (you know who you are) makes a comment about my commentary above, I'll say that the point is even as a big and active fan, sometimes you get burnt out and have to walk away for a while.

Then inevitably, something brings you back in and you start to become active again and realize you never really left, you only took a break.


Over-saturation can really kill your interest in something, no matter how much you love it. It is possible to get burnt out on Indy, just like anything else.

I love the Indy movies, and the recent run of toys has been fun to collect, mainly because they bring back memories of collecting the old ones and watching the films on VHS as a child in the 80's. That being said, there are a lot of other movies I like as well, and collecting Indy toys is not my only hobby. If I were you, I would back off Indy a little bit. Maybe take a break from the forum (try once a week rather than once a day), enjoy some other films and hobbies that you may have been neglecting in this past year of Indy-mania.

If that doesn't sound like a good plan, you can always try what I plan to do tonight: watch all four films whilst eating chili dogs and playing with ALL my Indy toys :)

Indy's brother

New member
Kevin said:
Over-saturation can really kill your interest in something, no matter how much you love it.

Good insight, Kev (if I may call you "Kev"?). LostArk, have you ever been involved with someone clingy? If you love something, set it free. Hold on loosely, but don't let go. Love is a battlefield. Breaking up is hard to do. Would anyone else like to add one...?

Moving along. You can do what I did the other day, watch the most recent Mummy flick. OK, I only lasted halfway through it myself, but it gave me a new respect for KOTCS Fo Sho!! Of course that mummy movie could make you fall back in love with any of Indy's onscreen adventures, so just pick one.