Lucas' Indy 4 prediction


Well-known member
intergamer said:
I will eat you alive. And then I will eat your family. Then I will eat your house, then the tree outside your house where you used to play as a child. That's right, I will eat the tree. It may kill me.

Please intergamer, don't sugarcoat it. Tell us how you really feel.;)


New member
That would be cool if Lucas, Spielberg and Ford were all saying all this "we're coming close to having a finished script" stuff and they really had the whole thing in the can and they wanted to surprise everybody. I know it's impossible, but it would be cool.
I liked Star Wars Episode III, but not so much Episode II. The best thing about Episode I was the lightsabre battle with Darth Maul.


Can they just SHUT UP please?

It's been quite a while since I have even paid attention to any "Indy IV" stuff. But nothing has changed..........either in my opinion.........or the facts.

"Indy IV" with Harrison Ford starring, is a pipe dream. It will not happen.......ever.

The sad fact is that there may never be another Indiana Jones movie, with anyone starring.

Such a shame in my opinion. What a waste of a great character.

Lucas, Spielberg, and the rest should just shut up. Really, just shut the He!! up. They should quit leaking these little 'sound bites' about preparations for the movie, scripts being written, casting..........getting all of their 'plates' cleared, ...and other Bull.........crap that they have been spewing forth for years.

Just SHUT UP! You've had your chance to make the movie. You haven't.

So shut up. We're all tired of it.


Staff member
Btw, hasn't anyone noticed that this far, the thing's we've always heard have been "we should start production in the <i>next two years</i> when we have our schedules clear", but now... they're saying suddenly something along the lines "we should know more about it <i>this year</i>."

Same old, same old? Hmm.

It's like rolling through a shutting slab door. Let's see if they have time to grab the hat.
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Well-known member
intergamer said:
You also like that U2 song. Four, in Spanish, is CUATRO. Not Catorce! That's 14!

Yes, but Bono could be referring to How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb, which is technically their 14th album. He could also be making reference to Steve Lillywhite, who did some production on the album and he produced their first three albums (Boy, October, and War). So that would make him part of the production team of the their first, second, third, and fourteenth albums. However, the most likely explanation is that Bono is simply having fun (or he can't speak Spanish, either way).;)

And Finn, I feel the same way. Could it be that the producers don't have free schedules because they're spending so much time trying to clear them?


New member
I guess we just need to be patient!

I know its really, really, hard but I guess all we can do is have patience and believe in Lucas. It is hard to get excited about something that doesnt feel like it's going any where and feels like it will never happen. Indy IV feels doomed.

But so did Rocky VI. Sure very once and a while there would be news, but nothing substantial. Even after it was "confirmed" to be happening it was still hard to beleive until the first photos popped up.

But we have to try to believe Indy IV will happen. They can do it!

Let Rocky be our light!



New member
Where is it ??

Tam and Indy said:

Let's see...

Hopefully you will love Lucas again once the Indy film goes into production.
Believe me it's on it's way...Just give us one more week O-TAY?
Don't give up on Mr Lucas, WE are going to make him your HERO again.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

After the INDY 4 project, we hope to become his partners in crime :p

tam and indy :whip:

Alright you said wait for one week....where is the script / news of progress etc ?? There is nothing but emptiness...

Tam and Indy

New member
Be Patient

My fellow comrades....

Scripts take time to edit :cool: . Give us a little bit more time will yah :D ?

It's on it's way! Believe me:p !

:whip: :whip: :whip: :whip: :whip: :whip: :whip: