They were digging in the dirt looking for these


New member
This scene stick out for anyone else? I thought it was hilarious how he just takes the artifacts and dumps them on the ground shortly after that Spalko walks right through the broken potshards. It's interesting to think Indy was just doing some mediocre archeology work in his old age only to be thrust into adventure again after so many years.

Darth Vile

New member
Yep... I like that little reference too. It shows Indy is still an archaeologist (and not just a treasure seeker), and it shows Spalko's and Dovenchenko's lack of interest in/respect for anything other than the mission goal. It's a bit like one of the truisms I hold dear... "Show me someone who mistreats an animal and/or shows a lack of respect to an object of historical value, and I'll show you a c**t." :)