Ark of the Covenant


New member
Well its somewhat interesting. For starters it isn't impossible that it's there. And if they were to have it, I believe this would be the way to treat it. I mean if you let someone in from a legitimate source like the History Channel or Smithonian, the story would blow up and recieve immense attention. That's just what you want to avoid, thousands of tourists flocking there, not to mention the possiblity of worse. It's not crazy to think that if it were there, someone would try to get there hands on it illegaly. The consequences of which could be catastrophic on a number of differant levels.

Now I was raised a Christian so I know the folklore, but I do not practice the beliefs I was taught, at least not all of them. And I most certainly don't believe in the boogey man to quote Dr. Jones. However it is our beliefs which make the possiblity so intriguing. Obviously were it to exist, it would not outright prove the existance of God, but certainly reinforce it. The sort of impact that would have on other religions and the world in general would be wild. There would be questions as to who the rightful keepers of the ark should be and weather or not it is safe or holds the ability to do supernatural things. Some would want to study it, which others would consider desecration. In my opinion the ark is best left to rest with it's rightful heirs.

All that being said, remember this. Were Indiana Jones fans, we have a bit of a differant outlook on the ark. Alot of us see the ark as a treasure beyond our wildest dreams. But at the same time we should respect the rules or power of the actual ark as set forth by the bible. Alot of people relate the Ark to "Top Men." thanks to shows like Family Guy, but it is not something to be taken lightly.

"All your life has been spent in pursuit of archeological relics. Inside the Ark are treasures beyond your wildest aspirations. You want to see it opened as well as I. Indiana, we are simply passing through history. This, this is history."

Eric Solo

There's a program on National Geographic Channel tonight 9pm Eastern called The Hunt for the Lost Ark. I'll try to watch and report.


New member
No Ticket said:
Only one guy gets to look at it? ... hahah, whatever. Yeah, they don't have it.

I agree.:)

The idea of only one guy getting to see it sounds ridiculous. They definitely don't have it.:)

Eric Solo

The Nat Geo show talked about Raiders of the Lost Ark and explained that that story is based on a theory that an Egyptian Pharoh captured the Ark and took it to a place calle "Tah-nees". They said sadly for Speilberg fans, most scholars believe this theory to be incorrect. The Ark just vanished from history and frankly no one knows what happened to it. It may be in Ethiopia according to one theory.

According to the show, the Bible states that the Ark was always covered by a piece of blue cloth whenever it was outside the temple and anyone who looked directly at it would be struck down. Only certain priests could carry it without being immediately killed. So, according to the bible, Indy and Sallah would have been toast as soon as they took the stone lid off it in the well of the souls. That would have made for a crappy ending to the movie.
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New member
Eric Solo said:
So, according to the bible, Indy and Sallah would have been toast as soon as they took the stone lid off it in the well of the souls. That would have made for a crappy ending to the movie.

The guy that reads the headpiece for Indy (when the monkey is poisoned) was also going to explain to them that they could never touch it directly or look at it when opened. That scene however got cut. If you couldnt look at it at all in the movie it wouldnt have been all that cool. At least they put some rules in tho, thats why Sallah and Indy use polls to lift it and its how Indy knows to shut his eyes at the end.

Billy Ray

Well-known member
Hmm...interesting article. I have seen that National Geographic special, definitely interesting. Who knows, it could really be there. They seem pretty quiet about the whole thing, I mean, they aren't selling Ark t-shirts outside or anything. There are a ton of religous relics in Europe and the churches really seem to play up the fact that they have the body of St. So and So or wood from the true cross. Heck, there is enough wood from the true cross out there to build Noah's Ark!;) These folks in Ethiopa seem to be real low key on the whole Ark thing and seem to have genuine reverance for it. Who knows, maybe one day we will find out for sure.


New member
The NGC special has some good stuff, but also some downright terrible statements. They do a good job of explaining the different theories, but sometimes the way they present the history of the ark is questionable. They say in the special that the Jews sacrificed to the Ark to keep them safe. Well, that's a flat out lie. They sacrificed on the mercy seat of the Ark to God, where the Shekinah (visible manifestation of God's presence) dwelt. Their recreations of it killing people was questionable as well, showing the Ark setting people on fire when they touch it. :rolleyes:


New member
If I ever become rich, I am going to hire some mercs and go to Aksum and put this mystery to rest. I won't allow anyone to be killed, but by God, everyone will have a gun loaded with tranqs!!! :gun:


New member
Same here, this theory has been banded about for year... Only one way to find out...

Go to Aksum and bust it out! I am pretty much an Athiest but I have no doubts elements of the Bible are Historical Fact. My bet is that the ark is crammed full of pure uranium hence you die(eventually) if you touch it open it etc. Its a long shot but far more likely than the Wrath of God.

The fact that only one man can see it is a bit convenient in my opinion, but if i did ever come face to face with it even though I have no belief in God i would certainly not dare to touch it or open it!


Huh. Well, I believe it is real. Not just Uranium. :rolleyes:

They should find it, and bring it back to America. It belongs in a museum.


Active member
No Ticket said:
Only one guy gets to look at it? ... hahah, whatever. Yeah, they don't have it.
Don't shrug it off for this reason alone. Only the high priest was allowed into the inner courts to minister and offer sacrifices to the ark in scripture.


New member
DoomsdayFAN said:
How come? If we locked it up in a Fort Knox type musium... it'd be alright. Right?

I don't think that's what Peter meant...
It doesn't belong in America, period. Why should America claim it?
You have museums in the rest of the world too, you know.


New member
fixer79 said:
I don't think that's what Peter meant...
It doesn't belong in America, period. Why should America claim it?
You have museums in the rest of the world too, you know.

Exactly, I love this thought as if it belongs to us or something. It's not ours, and in this case it doesn't belong in a museum until it's been studied by the proper authorities on this matter, if at all.


The Ark... in Zimbabwe?

I came across this rather interesting article in Time magazine, detailing the theory of a professor at the University of London who believes the Ark of the Covenant is somewhere in Harare, the capital city of Zimbabwe.

Time said:
When last we saw the lost Ark of the Covenant in action, it had been dug up by Indiana Jones in Egypt and ark-napped by Nazis, whom the Ark proceeded to incinerate amidst a tempest of terrifying apparitions. But according to Tudor Parfitt, a real life scholar-adventurer, Raiders of the Lost Ark had it wrong, and the Ark is actually nowhere near Egypt. In fact, Parfitt claims he has traced it (or a replacement container for the original Ark), to a dusty bottom shelf in a museum in Harare, Zimbabwe.

Time: A Lead on the Ark of the Covenant

There are so many conflicting stories (not just about where the Ark is, but what it is too)... is this just another one? Or could one of the world's holiest relics be sitting in Harare?