no more entries for fan ficiton


New member
I am a young fan of Indiana Jones. I grew up watching the films with my dad and now I've signed us up to be indyfans. I am currently a undergraduate student at the University of Iowa writing a paper on fan participation and interactivity within online fan communities. I came across the fan fiction link and read some of the posted stories, very well written pieces I might add, but then noticed that their was a message saying that will no longer accept fan fiction submissions. I was wondering why they would shut down such a great piece of the website. Fan fiction is a great way for fans to interact and express their knowledge and creativity for their love of Indiana Jones. Is this something that is shut down because of the creators of the website or is it over all our heads and dealing with the franchise itself (i.e. lucasfilms ltd. or Paramount or Steven Spielberg). I read and learned about George Lucas putting an end on some Star Wars fan sites because he did not agree with how his story was being portrayed. I believe it was mostly pornographic but non-the-less. Just a curious young man on the subject. Anything would be interesting to me on the subject. Or maybe I'm way late and their is a link you could send me to read up on it. That would be great too. Thanks Indyfans.


Active member
I too have wondered why we can't send in new fanfics. I've always wanted to do a Mutt Williams short story. :D


New member
My guess is that Indiana Jones fan fiction has been outlawed out of respect to Spielberg, Lucas, Ford, and the character of Indiana Jones. Reason being that any crappy story written by an idiot is better than Crystal Skull. Hence, reading bad fanfic only illustrates how truly horrendous the Indy IV script is.

Just guessin'.