What happened to news "real soon"?


New member
If I remember correctly, we saw postings somewhere on this forum promising us exciting news, and that it would be "soon". Well, of course we have heard that Indy 4 is a go (although I am still really skeptical about this). But beyond that...eh? The news didn't seem that soon in coming, there's not enough there, and I forsee the undesirable possibility that the project will fall through, as it has done so often in the past, if I am not much mistaken. I also got the impression we would see a lot of news, from the posts I read. But there has been nothing that I have seen beyond plan to make a new Indy movie, that's pretty sparse. I am still seeing a lot of rumor on this page, and that's fun...to a point. So...where's the news, because "soon" has come and gone.

Aaron H

Moderator Emeritus
Define "soon"...no really, what is soon to you?
Several "smaller" news items have come up already, script is finished (or nearly so), the DVD's, filming will happen next summer (perhaps as early as this winter).
I call that news...what are you hoping for in terms of news? A press conference? That is very unlikely to happen.
Things like this take time, give it some time. We will see this on the big screen, the ball is rolling to fast to stop it now (pardon the pun).
I guess "soon" would be a month. I'd say that qualifies as soon. And exciting would be locations, story, concept art, cast, interview with darabont (about indy iv), early drafts, interview with spielberg (about indy iv), hints as to what direction it will go. ET presence? Confirm it. Adam and Eve? Confirm it.

I think any and all of the above qualifies as exciting news, wouldn't you?


New member
You know, I think information was passed along "soon" after the statement was made. However, with everyone excited for Indy IV and the DVDs, we want more. We have had time to digest the info that's already out there and we need more to satisfy our hunger. I think that's why people may now think no info was passed along earlier. It's now old news.

Let me also say that I am a relatively new member (compared to some of the "old-timers") of this board and I am thrilled that I came across it when I did. It gives me a great outlet for talking Indy and usually gives me enough info to pass the time. Thanks for the great work...