Just saw Donnie Darko


Well-known member
I know, I know, the film's been out since 2001 and I just now saw it. But I've had dozens of friends say to me, "This is a film that you would like," and so I finally broke down and had to watch it because I wanted to know just what kind of film they knew I would like.

Wow. This is one of the most amazing, brilliant films I've ever seen. Yeah, I may be late in jumping on board the Donnie Darko train, but has anyone else seen this film? Care to share any thoughts on it? All I know is, it just joined my top 3 films of all-time list (that aren't Indiana Jones):

1. Wonder Boys

2. The Royal Tennenbaums

3. Donnie Darko

Anyone who hasn't seen this film, GO OUT AND RENT IT TONIGHT!!!


Well-known member
Yeah, I rented that not too long ago. Nicely done but very wierd. I didn't get it, really.

I think my favorite part was the "smurf" diatribe.