Any chance...?


New member
I don't know if this has come up yet, but is there any chance of a Shorty return? There's a lot of talk about Indy possibly having a son, but maybe Shorty (who Indy took under his wing for a little while) returns and needs Indy's help. Or maybe, in an Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader-like transition, Shorty resurfaces as Indy's nemesis. Thoughts?


New member
My opinion is that they shpuld make brand new characters. But since it is just what I would do and I know it'll be a good movie then i don't mind them. Now, they should, in my opinion, bring only a few (as much as I like all the girls' characters I think she should be a new one) characters back. Sallah and Henry Sr. would be cool, but if they bring Shorty along it won't be that fun. They could bring Shorty, but then not the otthers...If they did, I know they'll find a way to make it work but the way, if it is based in the 50's they should have Jet Li playing as Shorty. J/K.


New member
Oh, man, I do not want Shorty back in Indy 4. I hope they bring back an old character or two but then again I don't want them to go over board with it, yano? I personally want them to bring back Marion more than anyone else.

But I was just never a big Shorty fan, hence me not wanting them to bring him back.


New member
It wouldnt really be the old character would it though?

I doubt that he would still be called Shorty when he is 30 something which he will be at the time of Indy IV, i mean what is there left in the character that is memorable once you take away him being a kid?

Attila the Professor

Staff member
From the trilogy (from a story standpoint), there's only 2 characters that can return, and that's Marcus and Henry (significance-wise).

Belloq and Ravenwood are dead, of course, and Marion's story is told.

Denholm Elliot, sadly, has passed away, so Marcus will only be a reference, and Henry...I don't know. His story is told as well, I think.


New member
I should point out that I'm not in support of such an idea, I just wondered if anyone thought it could/would happen. I'm really not a huge fan of Shorty, though I don't dislike him. Now, Willie... I have heard the rumors that she'll be back in IV and I'm not thrilled about that. She's really just annoying!!


New member
Attila the Professor said:

Belloq and Ravenwood are dead, of course, and Marion's story is told.

I dunno i could see Ravenwood being brought back it would make a great B-Movie twist and in Indys genre no adventurer can be announced dead in such an off hand way. Usually they are lost in the snows and then nursed back to health and integrated into the community of natives....

Besides what Marion said could have been a half truth