Indiana Jones and The Wells of Time

Indy's brother

New member
Something I've been tinkering with, it's unfinished, but this is the opening third act. It's a prequel to KOTCS, and I am aware of it's derivative nature and unprofessional "fan script" camera cues and such, it's intentional! I hope you enjoy what I've got so far!

Indiana Jones and the Wells of Time

OPEN CREDITS: Ominous music is heard as the Paramount logo is shown. A moon appears to the side of the paramount mountain, then fade to actual mountain.

MOUNTAIN, NIGHT: It is snow capped and barely lit by this moon.

MOUNTAIN TOP: Snow is falling, with very little wind. It is eerily quiet and serene. Indy, shown only from behind, is being led by a guide. His face is not shown until the end of this scene.

?Popocatepetl, Mexico 1956? is superimposed onscreen. Indy and his guide come within sight of a cave. The mouth of the cave loosely resembles an actual mouth, and the icicles hanging from the top of the opening look like the grotesque fangs of some nightmarish monster. The guide, who now seems more than a little tense, turns to face Indy.
I go no further, Senor. If you see me again, you do not know me.

Indy nods and steps forward. His guide angrily blocks Indy with his hand.
You promised MONEY!
And you?ll get it?after I look inside.

Indy takes another step and is blocked again.
You die inside! Give money NOW?

The guide pulls a knife
GUIDE (cont.)
Or you die outside.

The blade glints momentarily in the moonlight. Indy raises his hands halfway.
No reason to get nervous,

Indy reaches into his jacket and produces a wad of bills.
INDY (cont.)
I don?t think there?s anything in there worth dying over.

On the word ?dying,? Indy slaps the cash into the guide?s shaking palm. The guide nervously giggles while staring at his new money. Indy uses the distraction to punch the guide in the face. The guide goes down hard.

POV GUIDE: All he sees is an Indiana Jones-shaped sillouette with a very clear pistol being cocked in his face.
Now you can get nervous. Take your money and go.

The guide looks to the knife in his own hand.

POV GUIDE: Another click is heard.

The guide, shaking like a leaf, drops the knife and scurries off. Indy turns to watch his guide run away. Holstering his pistol, he looks up for the classic ?Indy Reveal?. With his hands on his hips, Indy?s snow dusted hat and shoulders outline his dark figure, which in turn is framed by the black cave entrance behind him. The cave looks like it is about to swallow him whole. The title ?Indiana Jones? appears behind him, ?and the Wells of Time? up front, ?Temple of Doom? style.

Indy turns and steps towards the cave.

INT. CAVE: Indy steps cautiously down the cave?s throat via some crudely cut steps. The passage gives way to a large, long room extending from left to right. This cavern resembles a church without pews and a high ceiling boasting large stallagtites, the tips of which are dusted in snow. Stalagmites are present on the cavern floor, but only near the walls. They are oddly absent through the full length of the floor, which is mostly flat ice with whatever snow has blown in. Most likely from the other entrance to the cave which is directly across the room and in plain view, showing off a starry night sky

To the right, there is a stone statue of a man lying in state on an altar, hands folded across his chest. It is meant to be Popocatepetl. A large gleaming dagger in its hands pierces his heart. The dagger handle is made of silver, inlaid with turquoise and gold. There is a large ball on the base of the handle, which is a skull whose mouth is turned down in an expression of pain.

To the left, the grand hall ends at a rather boring wall. Looking back towards the statue of ?Popo?, Indy crouches, peering at the ice directly in front of the monument. Something isn?t right. The ice is more white than clear, a sure sign that it is thin. Indy picks up a decent sized rock and hurls it towards the floor. The rock easily breaks through, revealing a raging underground river just an inch below it. He smugly gives it a quick grin.
Precariously, Indy makes his way towards the statue. With his back the wall, he finds footholds and handholds. A rock gives way underfoot, exposing more of the rushing torrent. This makes him swing like a door, face first into the wall. After taking a moment to gather himself, he intentionally spins again, bringing himself closer to the effigy. He takes a few more steps and finds himself directly behind the monument. He examines the figure. Running his hands along the edges of Popo?s arms, he can see that this is a mechanical device. The hands are held apart by the dagger. He looks around and finds a small rock. Staring into the eyes of the skull, he carefully wedges the rock between the hands to free the blade. The blade to suddenly slides all the way down to the hilt, loudly echoing. Indy pauses and looks around. Silence. Beads of sweat are forming on his face. He wipes his face with his hands, then wipes his hands on his pants. Gently, he wraps one hand around the handle and carefully pulls on it. It?s stuck. He shakes his head and uses both hands. Slowly exerting more strength, he loudly frees the blade suddenly. Indy pauses and looks around again. Nothing. He turns the dagger over in his hands and wrinkles his face in confusion. This is not the dagger of Popocatepetl.
INDY (disappointed)
This isn?t right.

Shaking his head, he grudgingly stows the object in his satchel. Hands on his hips, Indy eyes his surroundings, and looks towards the secondary entrance. With the sound akin to a hammer hitting an anvil, the small rock wedged in Popo?s hands is ejected into the air. A surprised Dr. Jones catches it in his hand. A deep thud is heard. Indy looks around, his panic begins to show.
Oh no.

Indy starts scrambling around the statue, heading for the starry exit, slipping on ice. Another deeper, fainter thud is heard.
INDY (mortified)
Oh come on...

A stone slab on the ceiling above the alter starts to slide towards the back of the hall. The edge of it is wedge-shaped, and begins slicing off stallagtites. They are crashing down behind him, breaking through the ice. A larger stallagtite breaks a huge hole through the surface, sending Indy into the raging ice flow. He attempts to lash onto a stalagmite and misses. He?s now surrounded by these falling spikes. Indy looks ahead to see that the once ?boring? wall at the end of the room is the point where the river goes underground. He uses the whip again, this time successfully, and pulls himself out. He gets to his feet just as the slab reaches the end of the cave. It has stopped at an enormous rock formation, which hangs above what used to be the floor. He reaches the secondary entrance. The sky looks different now, it is the break of day. Just as he steps into the morning light, a cracking sound is heard as that darn slab breaks through it?s final obstacle, followed by a thunderous roar as it falls.

The force is enough to shake the ground under his feet, which collapses beneath him in the beginning throes of an avalanche!

LOWER MOUNTAIN: Mac, who was obviously the figure running up the mountain earlier, is slogging through knee-deep snow up the mountain. Out of breath, he stops, hunches over, checks his watch, then looks up to see a small cabin just a little further up the slope. Warm light is glowing through the windows, smoke coming out of the chimney.
He?s gonna kill me.

AVALANCHE: Flailing, Indy manages to grab onto a branch near the top of a now buried tree. Exhausted relief washes over his face as he turns to make brief eye contact with an owl perched close-by in the same tree. The owl has just enough time to look at him as if to say ?what are you doing here?? then turns to ignore Indy serenely as another huge wave of snow breaks the branch , sending Indy hurtling further down the mountain.

LOWER MOUNTAIN: Mac is getting really close to the cabin now. He pauses again, leaning forward with one outstretched arm on a tree. His heavy breathing is silenced, as he looks forward, listening. Hearing a low rumble, he stands erect. As the rumble grows louder, Mac starts stepping back cautiously.

AVALANCHE: Indy yells as he is propelled out of the snow, into the air, then back into the fray.

LOWER MOUNTAIN: The rumble is really getting louder. Mac turns and begins running back down the mountain, panic-stricken. A wave of snow explodes over the cabin behind him.
MAC (incredulously)
He IS going to kill me!

Another wave demolishes the cabin entirely.
Oh bollocks.

Mac is swept into the avalanche. Both Indy and Mac are sent further down towards the base. Their descent ends with Indy landing on top of Mac, face to face. Indy attempts to shake it off and regain his composure.

Indy's brother

New member
Morning, Jonesy.
What are you doing here?
MAC (giggling)
Oh I?m sorry, luv. Was I supposed to be on top?

Indy quickly stands up, begins brushing himself off.
INDY(pointing forward, down the hill))
I mean, you were supposed to meet me at the cabin.

Mac stands up, brushes himself off, and points up the hill behind Indy.
That cabin?

Indy turns and looks at the bits and pieces of the cabin sticking out of the snow.
MAC (cont.)
Which piece of it should I stand next to?
Hope you didn?t leave anything too important in there, like the rest of your nine lives.
No, just some dry clothes.
MAC (laughing)
What, you wet yourself on the way down?
INDY (dryly)
No?did you?

Mac slaps Indy on the shoulder.
Take it easy, Jonesy! You know I can hold my water!

Mac looks guiltily towards the ground.
MAC (muttering)
Most of it anyways.

Indy walks briskly towards an iron stove from the cabin, sticking out of the snow. It?s half submerged, but still smoking. He attempts to warm himself. Mac takes off his coat, gives it to Indy, and begins warming his hands.
I?ll be dead of hypothermia within the hour if I can?t dry off and get warm.
No worries, mate. I saw an inn down the way a bit. I?ll drive.

Indy instantly starts walking towards their truck. Stops, turns to Mac, and gestures sarcastically towards the vehicle with his hands.

Mac follows.
If you?re the slightest bit interested, I?ll be alright.
I KNOW, Mac! C?mon!
MAC (muttering)
Only you could find a way to freeze to death in Mexico.

INT. TRUCK: Indy is sitting in the passenger seat, shivering. Mac climbs in and fires up the truck, which is a rickety heap. Indy fumbles with the dashboard controls attempting to turn on the heater.
Does this thing work or what.
MAC (joyfully sarcastic)
Oh it?s a real Cadillac, mate!

Mac flips a switch on the dash which produces a loud whirring noise. Mac slams his hand on the dash twice. The second hit sends a plume of dead leaves out of the vent, into the air and onto Indy?s face, but also frees the jammed up fan. Indy sits motionless for a beat.
MAC (oblivious)
There you are!

Indy glares at Mac.
MAC (Cont.)
Well, what did you expect from a motorcar I bought with a wristwatch? It?s workin? isn?t it?

Indy faces forward, sulking, shivering. There is a moment of silence.
MAC (Cont.)
Didja get the thingy at least?
No. Someone beat us to it.

Indy reaches into his satchel and pulls out the dagger from the cave.
INDY (Cont.)
I found this instead.

Indy passes it over to Mac who eyes it as though it were just as valuable.
Oooh. It?s a fine piece of work, though. You sure this ain?t it?

Indy takes it out of Mac?s hand, and stuffs it back into his satchel.
Oh I?m sure. The original wouldn?t have been this ornate, might?ve had a stone blade. No, this thing is more recent than the Aztecs. Like the last hundred years or so. How far is it to that place you saw?
Jus? around the corner. So what, the one you found was just layin? around, sittin? in some dead blokes hand, or something?
That?s what I don?t get. It was left in place of the real one. It has some value, but it?s not ceremonial, and it looks used. Why leave it there at all? I don?t know. Who cares. Is it much further?

Mac points straight ahead.
There we are. Maybe it?s still up there, you should have another look, you know, once we?ve had a chance to warm up a bit and gather ourselves.

Mac looks at Indy. Indy?s lips have turned blue. He doesn?t look so good.

EXT. INN: Mac parks their terrible excuse for a truck and runs around to the passenger side. Mac pulls a weary Dr. Jones from the heap and helps him drag his feet to the door. They enter.

Col. Detritch

New member
This is fantastic, great job Indy's brother! Nice of you to use Mac he's an interesting character! I have to read more keep 'em coming! :hat:

Indy's brother

New member
Thanks, Col., I was beginning to wonder if anyone was going to respond to this! Writing banter between Indy and Mac is great fun, especially Mac. Didja notice my inclusion of his "I'll be awright"? I plan on using it once or twice more almost as a catch phrase, but not quite, to give his death scene in KOTCS a little more weight ;) I've got more, but it's all in bits and pieces that I need to tie all together. And since I am (once again) at a lull employment-wise, I can find the time to do so!

Col. Detritch

New member
Originally Posted by Indy's brother
Thanks, Col., I was beginning to wonder if anyone was going to respond to this!

I know what you mean!;)

Writing banter between Indy and Mac is great fun, especially Mac. Didja notice my inclusion of his "I'll be awright"? I plan on using it once or twice more almost as a catch phrase, but not quite, to give his death scene in KOTCS a little more weight ;)

When I read that line I thought I might’ve been reading into the text a little too much but it's great to hear it was intentional after all. I think making this his unofficial catchphrase is brilliant because it sorta sums up his character; his friendship with Indy, his attitude to life and lifestyle (Self-centred, greedy but with some heart and always a plan B) and the ambiguous trust (how exactly can he guarantee his safety... what is his plan B?) and his personal belief (ego) that he is indestructible! It's sounding better every time I hear about it! :hat:

Attila the Professor

Staff member
I finally read this just now, after seeing your link to it in the "snow bound" thread. To be honest, I often glaze over while reading fan scripts. But this is really quite good (not that I'm surprised, considering the source.)

Indy's brother said:
Writing banter between Indy and Mac is great fun, especially Mac. Didja notice my inclusion of his "I'll be awright"? I plan on using it once or twice more almost as a catch phrase, but not quite, to give his death scene in KOTCS a little more weight ;) I've got more, but it's all in bits and pieces that I need to tie all together. And since I am (once again) at a lull employment-wise, I can find the time to do so!

And you really capture both of the characters. I was, just like Col. Detritch, pleased with the inclusion of "I'll be alright." (Nice breakdown of that, by the way, Col.) You also play quite nicely with the idea that Indy has finally learned his lesson about his untrustworthy guides in the cave entryway conversation, which also, I think, adds the proper weight to the fact that he does give Mac second (and third) chances in Crystal Skull.

I don't know where the rest of the story goes, but this is just lovely.

Indy's brother

New member
Attila the Professor said:
To be honest, I often glaze over while reading fan scripts.

Oh I hear you, I'm the same way and I'm sure we're not alone in that. And thanks for the warm words on it! I'm a little ashamed that I haven't updated this with more, I have an unfortunate way of taking this too seriously, so I'm not happy with sharing any of it unless I have solved every nuance to my complete liking. Plus there's no pay in it. :p