Belloq's Staff - by Prop Movie Studios


New member
A project by



This project was on my "to do" list years ago. For some reason I'll never start it, but after I seen it in Valencia in every details I back on it!

This is just a interested thread for it... no price, no picture... just wanna see how many people can be interested. If I'll see interest in it I could start this new project.


Material: Silver and Wood

1) Very hard wood will be used
2) wood will be very well sanded before painting.
3) enamel spray paint on wood will be fine.
4) a non-yellowing hard lacquer will be used over the paint.

This is a first step of work.


Indy's brother

New member
I always look forward to seeing your work. While I can't really afford any of it, I have spent no small amount of time drooling over your wares. I will be watching this project with great interest. ;)