What is your single favourite scene from the trilogy?


New member
my favorite scene is the starting of LC, when The man with the Fedora puts the hat on young Indy and delivers probably one of my favorite movie lines ever next to the famous "I love you." "I know." scene from Star Wars.

The guy says to young Indy: "You lost today kid, but that doesn't mean you have to like it."

That quote also basically sums up Indy's character as well. He doesn't give up.


New member
My single favorite scene from the Indiana Jones trilogy is the fight in the Raven. I like to watch it sometimes if/when I don't have time or the endurance to watch a whole movie. :whip:
So difficult, but the scene where we see the most diverse expressions, the Truck Chase. Wincing, chuckles, realizations, worry determination...no dialog but communicates so much.
Oh gosh..only one?....this is going to be hard ........I like alot of them...but one of my favorites is in the Temple of Doom..the Campfire scene.


New member
Mine is the scene in the bar with Indy and Belloq. Some great lines from both here, with Belloq explaining why he is the slightly darker version of Indy himself.


Well-known member
The scene where they are carrying the Ark from its resting place to be crated below the opening in the top of the Well of the Souls. They show only glimpses and the shadow of the Ark and hold onto its mystery. To me this scene was the zenith, the highest point of the film. Indy's awe for this artifact was palpable as he laid his arms on the stone vestibule that contained it. Just as he finishes nailing on the lid of the crate his face still shows that amazement, that almost disbelief for having found the Ark. The ensuing scenes played out the revealing of the Ark and its powers.

The Drifter

New member
I've also always liked Indy surrounded by Thuggee on the rope bridge in Temple of Doom.
Throughout the films we always see the cool-headed and cocksure Indiana Jones who always finds a way to get out of any mess. But, here he is at his wit's end.
He sees no way out and does something so desperate and crazy, that even Indy most likely doubted his chance of survival.
I love how he delivers the "Prepare to meet Kali in Hell!" line as he hacks away at the ropes. He just thinks, "Screw it, if I die. We all die!"
At least he cared enough for Shortie and Willie to tell them to wrap their limbs in the rope before they went for their ride.

Also, another favorite, and one that I still chuckle over is. "We are going to DIE!".
Love the way he says it and the expression on his face.