Last Crusade Query


New member
It's probably just me not beening very bright, but I was watching Last Crusade last night on BBC1, and something occured to me. What does it mean when the fedora guy says:
"You lost today kid. But that doesn't mean you have to like it?"
Can anyone fill me in please?
Also, how come in the Temple of Doom, Indy can't fly and yet he can in Last Crusade? Has he learnt in 2 years, or am I missing something?
Thank you


New member
Fedora's words are meant to be symbolic or something. "You lost today kid, but that doesn't mean you have to like it" kind of sums up Indy. As I recall (wink, wink) Indy fails to get several artifacts: a little box known as the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail among others. Yes, he gets the Ark, but then the Fed hogs lock it up in a big warehouse! No matter what happens to Indy, he keeps on truckin'. Yeah, he probably doesn't like it, but that doesn't mean he wants to quit.

As for the flying, TOD is before both Raiders and LC, so I'm sure he got some quality practice time in.

Hope that helps!


Well-known member

About Indy's flying, I think if I was in the situation Indy was in during Temple of Doom and survived, I'd run out and learn to fly real quick too! Remember, he still hadn't mastered landing by the Last Crusade, so maybe he was still logging training hours somewhere...


"You lost today kid..." is one of my favourite lines! :D I'll go with Indy4ever's response - it's a "never give up, never surrender" type of thing (quote from Galaxy Quest btw).

Trust the BBC to show Last Crusade when everyone's supposed to be studying for exams though - that's cruelty to students! :p