What's some cool artifact Indy could look for in a new adventure?


New member
The Dead Sea Scrolls
The Tomb of Alexander The Great
The Garden of Eden
The Tower of Babel
Indy could investage the meaning of Starchild skulls in Mexico
The Fountain of Youth

Eric Solo

Excalibur or some other proof of Arthurian legend.

Indy finds out what the hell Stonehenge really is.

Indy finds hidden chamber in the great pyramid with some futuristic looking stuff in it.


Staff member
Reflecting mirror to the Lighthouse of Alexandria. Legend says it was so bright it could incinerate a ship on the horizon.


New member
Atlantis- still would be fantastic,

The fabled lost repository of knowledge under the Sphinx as predicted by Edgar Cayce in the 20's.


New member
My other tan sock.

I lost the darn thing and now I only have one tan sock. That's useless. Indy could find it, I know it!


New member
DaBrode said:
My other tan sock.

I lost the darn thing and now I only have one tan sock. That's useless. Indy could find it, I know it!

Yeah And my keys i never know where they are....

Indiana Jones And The Lost Keys of Lally