Anyone Interested in a WNY Fan Meetup?


Well-known member
Boy, I sure wish we could have a "Jones Stock" here in New York State. Is there anyone here who would like to do that? I live in Buffalo, New York. I was reading the East-Coasters thread about their Jonestock and it sounds like it was fun!


New member
Re: Jones Stock in NY- Pu-leeeese!

Indyologist said:
Boy, I sure wish we could have a "Jones Stock" here in New York State.

You should try to set a date for a NY "Jones Stock" I would try to make it.


Well-known member
Renderking Fisk said:
You could always come to ours in July.

I'll check out the E. Coasters thread and see when and where it is. Maybe I will arrange for something in NY! No promises, though.


Well-known member
This was an absolutely wonderful event! Wish we had something like it here at the Raven. Check out the link above to see comments about the event and pictures! Hope some of you can make it next time-- or better yet, it could be an incentive for putting together our own Indy Get Together. Those guys from COW are really wonderful people, too. Never met anyone like them. It was so amazing to finally meet some Indy fans in real life!


Moderator Emeritus
Those who aren't COW members can't access the thread, BTW. Glad you had fun. :)


Well-known member
Indyologist, I'm really glad that you had a great time! :D

Indeed, there is truly nothing like actually meeting up with Indy fans, and I had the pleasure of meeting some of those guys last year at the QM summit.

I'm really sorry that I could not make it in the end, but am really happy that you guys enjoyed yourself. :whip:


Well-known member
After a long hiatus, I'm back. Hope everyone here is well.

To celebrate the opening of Indy 4, I was wondering if anyone here would be interested in getting together over Memorial Day weekend here in Western New York (Buffalo and surrounding area) for a fan get together. If I get enough intrested people, I'd like to book some rooms at the hotel at Darien Lake Theme Park. We'll see the movie together at a theater in that area and also take advantage of the park itself. I think the park still offers camping. Perhaps in the spirit of Indy some of you would rather bring a tent and camp out instead!

I am also going to create a Yahoo! group called "WNY Indyfans" or something like that for those of you who may live close to my area. We could perhaps meet up once a month to talk Indy shop and have some fun!

Please let me know ASAP what you all think.


Well-known member
Please realize too that you don't necessarily need to be from WNY to particpate in this. Anyone who wants to can come, of course. The more Indyfans the merrier! :hat:
A great idea!

Gruber would attend if I were not two thousand miles away. I like your enthusiasm, my friend.This thread should have more replies than it has. :eek:
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New member
Eh, I'm not that far from Buffalo. (Elmira, NY)

The idea of a meetup intrigues me, though heaven knows the horror that was the SA goon meet I went to a few years ago should've turned me off to this sort of thing. :)p)

But it would be neat to meet other Indy fans. No one I know has more than a casual interest in Indiana Jones, not even my Star Wars obsessed brother!

I might be up for it, if more people sign up. Like, at the very least ten. Any less would seem too intimate and awkward, imo. Maybe more people'll come out of the woodwork the closer we get to the release of IndyIV.


Well-known member
Yes, PLEASE! I have always wanted to host an Indy fan meetup. Please tell others in your area who may be interested.

It won't be anything outrageously expensive or elaborate-- just a simple gathering of the Indy faithful to celebrate Indy and the new flick. But sometimes simple is best-- it'll be "simply" FUN!


Well-known member
New Forum-- WNYIndyfans!

I created a Yahoo! Group for those Indy fans who live in the Buffalo, NY and greater Western New York area to get together to celebrate the amazing hero that is INDIANA JONES! It would be great to have regular get-togethers, like say once a month or so.

Of course, this is open to anyone who would like to come. Hope you join us! Pass this on to friends you know in the WNY area who LOVE INDY like I do! Thanks in advance!


Well-known member
I haven't heard too much from anyone here on this, so I guess we'll have to revisit it sometime in April. In the meantime, anyone wants to discuss this, such as what you'd like to have in this fan meetup, please feel free to do so. It's a ways away, but it's never too early to plan.