Abner Ravenwood was going to be in Emperor's Tomb?


Well-known member
From IMDB.....

According to the unlockable artwork, the character Abner Ravenwood (Indiana's mentor and father to Marion Ravenwood) was originally to make an appearance in the game, but had to be cut.


To meet deadlines The Collective had to cut a lot of content out of the game. At one point Indiana was going to have two whips, one of them being a magic grappling hook.

Also planned was a level involving Indiana being chased from boat to boat. Due to time constraints and the amount of technology that had to be written to accommodate the level, it had to be cut.


Is anyone else aware of this?

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Moderator Emeritus
Yes, I was aware.



Well-known member
temple of john said:
Hey man...isn't that Cheech Marin. He's smokin' dog<i>droppings</i> man...Labrador Retriever.

Hey, he DOES look like Cheech!

VP, where did you get this picture? I didn't picture Ravenwood looking ANYTHING like that.
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Staff member
P'haps it's a good thing that Abner was cut out. After all, ET takes place in 1935 and in Raiders, it sounds like last time Indy met Abner was years ago, not like, duh, last year.

On the other hand, they well, did violate the appearance of Wu Han...


Who's to say that Indy would have met him... He might have been working with (or a prisoner of) the Nazis...


Staff member
Maybe it's for the best he didn't appear. Didn't we learn in Raiders that he died in 1934?

I have the same problem with the Disneyland ride set in 1935. It's fine to have crates stenciled with his name, as Indy believes him to be alive, but you can't have his recent correspondence lying around. He and Indy wouldn't be corresponding anyway! Sheesh, who's minding the franchise?
"At one point Indiana was going to have two whips, one of them being a magic grappling hook."
Wow... I'm REALLY glad that got cut...

"Indiana being chased from boat to boat"
That too...

The most important thing to remember about IMDB trivial, is that any monkey can submit it, and I'm not sure they have ANY screening or fact checking... in THAT light, I see no reason to believe any of the 'assertions' on the trivia page...
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New member
didnt he say somewhere in raiders that he hadnt spoken to him in ten years? I think i remeber him saying that. Ill have to watch raiders again...not hard to do at all lol