The value of Kenners vintage figures. Set to rise???


New member
People are already beginning to speculate on the value of the vintage line going through the roof next year.
I can say I have seen a big difference in the last year and if the current trend continues some of you old boy/girl collectors might be sitting on a small fortune. ;)
Do you think it will be the same as Star Wars and prices for the vintage line will rise dramatically (after the new film)?
See here
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New member
I hope the values go through the roof so I can sell all my stuff! They were always so rare to begin with, that with the demand a new movie can bring higher values could become a reality. Collectible toys though are so hit and miss when it comes to making money off them. It's all about what someone will actually be willing to pay, not what the toy blue book says their worth.
deckard24 said:
not what the toy blue book says their worth.

Which oddly enough the prices in one of the toy mags has not changed in years. I think it's Lee's they have the same price when they did the Indy cover as they do now. I think it's been 4-5+ years and nothing has changed. I've seen the prices start to go up, some like the ToD figures go way up.

Personally I hope they go up since I have some I've been holding on to until next year. Though it is hard to guess, it's possible that all of the collectors are already out there and the new movie will not bring many more in. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.


New member
That's true that the prices on most older Indy stuff like the Kenner and LJN merch. hasn't really risen or fallen dramatically. I am a bit ambivalent to sell though considering I've had this stuff since I was a kid, but if the values skyrocket I'm pretty sure I could change my mind. The convoy truck might be a little hard to part with as would the map room, two of my sentimental favorites. I always had with the Indy and Star Wars toys certain particular favorite pieces, that I'm still not sure if I could part with. A lot of the other stuff absolutely, but a few that come to mind I think I'd hold onto. Maybe they'll be given to the kid I don't have yet.... one day!


New member
The prices on most of the vintage toys will probably go up because Indy 4 is coming, and anything that has the name "Indiana Jones" on it will be really popular!(y)

Indy's Fist

New member
I don't care what happens to the price of the vintage Indy stuff! I'll never sell! Besides, it belongs in a museum!:)