Disneyland 2008 Summer of Hidden Mysteries


New member
DrHapgood said:
I seriously don't know how to answer this with a straight face. :confused:

Although over in the Temple there have been incidents where an E-Stop was pressed due to a Guest running back into the track towards the Indy AA (Audio-Animatronic) at the Finale immediately upon taking their seatbelt off because they "wanted to get Indy's autograph".

Similar situations occured over on Pirates of the Caribbean after they added the Captain Jack Sparrow AA's. I constantly hear teenage girls yelling out "Johnny I love you!" to the one at the end. There was even a few days where among his treasure there lie a pair of panties some girl threw at him.

...why am I not surprised? :D Many guests are not the brightest crayons in the box. A couple of weeks ago we had a pair of ducks that built their nest alongside the flume at Splash and had a couple of ducklings... guests were all coming off asking us if the ducks were real. :p


New member
xfkirsten said:
...why am I not surprised? :D Many guests are not the brightest crayons in the box. A couple of weeks ago we had a pair of ducks that built their nest alongside the flume at Splash and had a couple of ducklings... guests were all coming off asking us if the ducks were real. :p

For some reason, I feel the need to top that.

Over at Jungle Cruise, a question we actually get pretty often is if the water is real.

No joke. :confused:


New member
DrHapgood said:
For some reason, I feel the need to top that.

Over at Jungle Cruise, a question we actually get pretty often is if the water is real.

No joke. :confused:

It's the backside of water that's the real myth. :hat:


New member
DrHapgood said:
For some reason, I feel the need to top that.

Over at Jungle Cruise, a question we actually get pretty often is if the water is real.

No joke. :confused:

..with that disgusting green color, can you blame them? ;)


New member
I lost track of this thread, but Dr. Hapgood, I hadn't realized before that you work at Disneyland. That's pretty cool! Always thought it'd be fun to work there. Do you work the Jungle Cruise all the time, or do the cast members switch around every so often?

How does one get a job at the park? Do they simply advertise openings in the newspaper? I've never seen a "Now Hiring" sign hanging at the park entrance before. :p

Also, my mom works at a Disney Store and heard a rumor that Disneyland cast members supposedly treat Disney Store cast members kind of rudely because DS (until recently) was not owned by Disney but another company. Any truth to that that you've seen?


New member
Just went to Disneyland 2 days ago and while shopping through the Indy outpost across from the ride short little fight scenes between Indy and a "villian" happen in Adventureland through random times. I caught a couple of pictures from the first scene.



And a picture spot of the infamous running out of the cave with the boulder behind you scene.......


Short Rounded

New member
Props on Jungle Cruise

DrHapgood said:
Disneyland Resort / Lucasfilm Ltd. Press Release

? Indiana Jones Meets the Jungle Cruise ? One of the all-time classic Disneyland attractions takes on a distinctly Indiana Jones flavor this summer as guests are invited to find unexpected Indy-themed surprises along some of the most mysterious rivers of the world.
They make it sound like you see Indy on the ride or something. All it was was four props from the movies hidden on the ride. It was kinda cool finding them, though. Mola Ram's headress, the crate with the Ark of the Covenant in it, Henry Jones Sr's umbrella, and a piece of the jail cell wall from Crystal Skull with a picture of the skull carved in it.


Moderator Emeritus
DrHapgood said:
Similar situations occured over on Pirates of the Caribbean after they added the Captain Jack Sparrow AA's. I constantly hear teenage girls yelling out "Johnny I love you!" to the one at the end. There was even a few days where among his treasure there lie a pair of panties some girl threw at him.

HAHAHA!!! I didn't see any panties when I went on the ride a couple of years back.

Short Rounded said:
They make it sound like you see Indy on the ride or something. All it was was four props from the movies hidden on the ride. It was kinda cool finding them, though. Mola Ram's headress, the crate with the Ark of the Covenant in it, Henry Jones Sr's umbrella, and a piece of the jail cell wall from Crystal Skull with a picture of the skull carved in it.

Finally! Someone answered my question! That was it? I'm not disappointed. And I'm not disappointed in not seeing the show with the Stone Tiger either (though when I did go to Disneyland, I did go see Aladdin and Jasmine's Storytime and very much enjoyed it! A far better show than the Stone Tiger one, I watched on Youtube). The only thing I wished I had seen with my own eyes would have been those Indy fights that occur spontaneously in Adventureland. All I have to say is.... Thank God for Youtube!