Egyptian pyramids found by infra-red satellite images


Active member
I used to work with space satelites, but not these kind.

Col. Spalko would be proud of her country's 1957 invention.


Dr Bones

New member
Indy's brother said:

It's funny that they don't get that "Old School" is the charm of Indy. Dorks.

Or the point of archeology and history. Jones is now part of history himself! (y)


Well-known member
Last night, I saw the BBC1 TV special, "Egypt's Lost Cities", mentioned in the article from Goonie's link. 'Twas extremely interesting and the possibilities of finding new things abound! Even ol' Dr. Zahi Hawass is excited. Apparently it will be airing on the Discovery channel so keep an eye out.:)

(There is a brief bit at Tanis and Indiana Jones is mentioned many times throughout the 90 minute show.)