KotCS Lego Set Pics


Staff member
Perhilion said:
Those are skulls, not helmets.
You are quite right. One clear skull for each skeleton seated at the turntable. It seems the three were moved around a lot (and pocketed?) as the exhibition progressed. But are these skulls the same as the yellow skull Indy holds on the package?

And still there's the conundrum of the blue balls. Maybe they're the source of what killed these poor chaps.


New member
Darth Vile said:

I like your post... And I think it was Clarke who stated that any race with that level of technology would have to be benign, otherwise they would have wiped themselves out long ago through centuries of war.

Benign to a point --

Here's my screwball idea re: the KotCS alien background story : Earth was visited by aliens, let's say at the end of the last ice age or perhaps even before (perhaps an early skirmish caused global environmental effects big enough to later be called the Last Ice Age) They founded several colonies all over the globe in temperate climates...in fact everywhere we find pyramids of one sort ort another (China, Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Americas, possibly also (south eastern) Europe. Roughly 7,000 BC the aliens themselves (if not extinct in the earlier skirmish) or their local chosen people (perhaps natives having been genetically manipulated) start a war using alien technology they don't quite comprehend -- enter what's gone down in religious myths all over the globe as the Deluge, the Big Flood etc.

The Ark contains a weapon or power source originating in the Mesopotamian colony. It was brought to the central Middle East by the Hebrews when they escaped Babylonian slavery. Enter "standard" biblical history....and after having been stored int the Temple of Solomon, the Ark finally passes into Egyptian hands and disappears at Tanis. Enter Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Just my two cents.
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Darth Vile

New member
That would be fine as far as an alien backstory for the Ark is concerned, but where would the Crystal Skulls fit into it?


New member
According to crackpot lore, ancient crystal skulls with funny dome shapes (elongated is among them) have been found elsewhere than in the Americas: in Tibet. Sort of shoehorns Abner Ravenwood in pretty nicely too (he disappeared in the high Himalayas looking for old pieces of junk, according to Marion R. And: the Soviets were pretty active on the archeaology front in Tibet in the thirties)

I think the crystal skull is a a tool in more than one way: the skull(s) and the Ark are remnant tools of the same ancient alien colonization/civilization. The Akator temple is perhaps the only reasonably intact alien city left, containing the possibility of everything from more advanced technology secrets based on an esoteric form of gold called monatomic gold (see more by Laurence Gardner on : http://www.graal.co.uk/whitepowdergold.html) -- Indy needs to learn how the skulls and the Ark works in this connection -- before simple gold diggers, the Soviets and their US Military Complex equivalents do...
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Darth Vile

New member
What I mean is that this movie is called Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I'm not convinced that the Ark will have anything more than a cameo part.


New member
Maybe the crystal skull can harness the incredible power of the Ark(which will still be divine in orgin). Like instead of killing everything around it when you open the Ark, the Russians can use the skull to focus the destructive energy as a weapon.


New member
Grethe said:
Here's my screwball idea re: the KotCS alien background story : Earth was visited by aliens, let's say at the end of the last ice age or perhaps even before (perhaps an early skirmish caused global environmental effects big enough to later be called the Last Ice Age) They founded several colonies all over the globe in temperate climates...in fact everywhere we find pyramids of one sort ort another (China, Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Americas, possibly also (south eastern) Europe. Roughly 7,000 BC the aliens themselves (if not extinct in the earlier skirmish) or their local chosen people (perhaps natives having been genetically manipulated) start a war using alien technology they don't quite comprehend -- enter what's gone down in religious myths all over the globe as the Deluge, the Big Flood etc.

The Ark contains a weapon or power source originating in the Mesopotamian colony. It was brought to the central Middle East by the Hebrews when they escaped Babylonian slavery. Enter "standard" biblical history....and after having been stored int the Temple of Solomon, the Ark finally passes into Egyptian hands and disappears at Tanis. Enter Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Just my two cents.

No. No way Lucas or Spielberg would make a film that basically seeks to debunk the supernatural elements of the world's religions.


New member
effin said:
think about the fact that the ark is not a part of any of the lego set pieces.

There also isn't any warehouse pieces
I think it's going to be glimpsed just as a reference
Like in Last Crusade when Indy and Elsa stumble across a painting on the wall of knights Tomb that depicts the ark