Indiana Jones rerelease and special editions


New member
In honour of the upcoming movies should Lucasfilm and Paramount digitally enhance, clean up the soundtrack and add deleted scenes no matter how small and rerelease the films in theatres prior to Indiana 4?

Would it have the same success as the Star Wars special editions? Is this another big milking the cash cow for Lucasfilm? If not a theatrical rerelease, than a dvd special editon rerelease? :whip:
I hope so as I'd like to see Indiana Jones on the big screen for the first time. It would be great if they also release complete soundtracks to all 3 movies like they did with Star Wars.
By enhance do you mean clean up the scratches and pops of the film, then sure. But if you mean have the Cairo Swordsman fire first, I don't think so. Nor do I think they would add anything by putting in extra sceens. I fail to see what's wrong with the movies as they are.
They already removed the cobra's reflection in Raiders....

"updating some of the dodgy special effects"
Sweet merciful Flying Spagetti Monster NO!! Leave them alone...


Well-known member
I think they're absolutley perfect. I also don't think you have to clean them up for theaters. Every theater I've gone to, even new ones, are still a projector throwing the image onto a white screen across the room. Cleaning the films up would make no difference. I do agree though, I would love to see them in the theater. I saw Last Crusade when I was 10, many moons ago.
I know the picture quality for the DVD's have been cleaned up, but what about the film they use through the movie projectors?


New member
There was a screening of the trilogy in Chicago, but there were some family events that week so I couldn't go :mad: I don't think I've ever been so disappointed when it comes to not being able to see a movie on the big screen. I would love it if they'd release them nationwide like they did with the special editions of SW so I didn't have to take a drive into the city just to see a movie.


New member
René Belloq said:
I hope so as I'd like to see Indiana Jones on the big screen for the first time. It would be great if they also release complete soundtracks to all 3 movies like they did with Star Wars.

I agree! I would love to see it in the theater, and actually own the soundtracks, without haveing to pay a but load online.


New member
Some select cities are showing Raiders as early as April 30th! Don't miss out!

Awesome! I saw Raiders in theaters about 4-5 ish years ago. I remember having a hard time hearing the audio though, the theater that was adjacent to us was playing the new at the time Men in Black movie, and I believe I heard more audio from that than Raiders. I also remember that there was a 4DX screening of Raiders that I was bummed to miss out on.