Swine Flu

Nurhachi1991 said:
Now for the real question
Do you guys think the virus was man made?
A bio-terror attack?

It's funny you bring that up...there was a time when any type of attack anywhere in the world would cause fringe terrorist group to claim responsibility.

Has any group claimed responsibility?

The availability of disparate news organizations around the world, Al Jezeera, and even the nature of the internet have given voice to the squeekiest of wheels and the most inane psychobabble.

With the desparation to break news first, and verify sources last, (see any Howard Stern inspired crank call), it's interesting to see the lack of ownership.

Maybe of all of Bush's flawed policies, he's scared the shinola out would be terrorists grasping for attention.

Maybe the policies have just united them...

Who knows?


New member
How guilty are each of us, though?

Pale Horse said:
Tried and true, works every time, a slam dunk. And best of all, people don't even see it as a pattern. Because in today's world, nobody reads any more.

Not to beat a dead horse, but an opportunity from the everyday world sprouted to reinforce this point - people don't think either;

A pregnant classmate next to me was just told by another not to eat Mexican candy, as she popped one in her mouth, because the wrappers have led in the plastic. She replied with "But you're not eating the wrapper..."

*Figureitively Laughs Out Loud with a Pessimistic Undertone*


willieboydap said:
My 1970's Gerald Ford "WIN" button will protect me.

Yes Willieboy, yes it probably will.

So you must have been around in the 70's too, when "Swine Flu" caused much havoc and consternation.

I remember it well.

As I slid my 8 track Deep Purple "Machine Head" tape into the 8 track player and lit a joint, I heard the talking heads wring their hands over this 'end of the world' "PANDEMIC" of "Swine Flu".

Then I got up and changed the channel (you had to do that in the 70's), switched to the one Public Television Station we had (Channel 2 Boston), adjusted the 'rabbit ears', cracked a beer, and watched Monty Python's Flying Circus.

I forgot all about Swine Flu.

Maybe we should all do that today.

Light a joint, and/or crack a beer, listen to some Deep Purple, watch Monty Python, and stop worrying about Swine Flu.

Don't forget to adjust your 'rabbit ears'.
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New member
How the Swine Flu originated:



The Man

Well-known member
We have a probable case in Ireland now.

Quarantine is in full effect. People have been ordered to stay in their pubs.


Active member
Nurhachi1991 said:
Whats Bale going to do? Yell at the zombies for ruining his scene?

Uh-huh. While Tony will perform some bat**** elbow/knee action. The can of undead whoop-ass is about to be OPENED!!!


They are getting more serious about this "Swine Flu".

They are delaying the disembarkation of flights in Tokyo in order to take everyones' temperature, and determine if they are "infected".

I sure hope this SH@t blows over before next month. I will be flying in and out of Tokyo.

I really think that this whole "Swine Flu" thing is being manipulated and managed.

By whom??? I'm not sure.

But I do NOT think this is the "End of Times"!!!

I do NOT think this is the end of Humanity.

I DO think that it is being blown out of proportion.

Pale Horse

Staff member
monkey monkey monkey...a fellow conspiratist here

Why all the hype about the flu? Distraction....from what? Here are a couple of examples....

April 28 (Bloomberg) ? Milan?s financial police seized 476 million euros ($620 million) of assets belonging to UBS AG, Deutsche Bank AG, JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Depfa Bank Plc amid a probe into alleged fraud linked to the sale of derivatives.


How about the restructuring of GM....UAW to own 39%......Government to own 51%.....and the bond holders own 10%......the bond holders on this deal have been screwed so hard (90% loss on investment) on this deal it isn't even funny. Similar deal with Chrysler....so lets see, nationalized banking around the corner, nationalized car manufactures, nationalized medical, with the flu scare - the airline travel will suffer, airlines will be bailed out/nationalized....I believe the next thing to expect would be some serious tariffs on foreign goods (cars, etc) to "protect" our interests....then another flu type scare, and wow look at that our boarders are locked down, and we would need government approval to leave the country or state to state travel (national ID act set to go into effect in 2010) - to make sure we are "safe". These policies are starting to sound like great reasons to have some plans in another nation for about 5 years....Tahiti here I come....


Moderator Emeritus
The more I hear about this thing, the more I'm prone to conspiracy theories. Bird flu news wasn't overnight. Swine flu was overnight and suddenly, there's 150 dead in Mexico.

A couple of so-called news/current affairs programs tried to scare the public this week. They interviewed a doctor, and he even said properly treated you wouldn't die from swine flu and then they interviewed a teen boy in NZ, who has been diagnosed and treated for swine flu and he's actually getting well again despite all attempts at the network for trying to make him seem even more worse for wear than he really was. :rolleyes:

Australia has about 100 suspected cases that have been constantly touted around as Australia in danger, when in fact that's a load of bull. It's also the flu season here (it's our Autumn/Winter in Southern Hemisphere) so every Australian that gets the flu is going to be thinking that they've got swine flu (I, myself, have been prone to the thought though I received medical attention before news of the so-called outbreak) and also the traits of swine flu are too similar to other flus that have gone around. Heck with WHO's changing the term to Influenza A something rather, it's now just sounding like a strain of Influenza.

Heck, I was even suspicious of that Air Force One flying so low like a day before all this news of the outbreak..... That got me wondering...

Another thing that got me suspicious, was that suddenly there has been a huge increase in people getting the Flu shot in Australia, even though it doesn't stop Swine Flu. A week ago, no one would have been getting the shot, coz I've known people in the past, who did and still got the flu anyway.


People get sick every year from........"The Flu".

Some people even die from it............usually the very old or the very young.

Those with weakened immune systems will always be more likely to die from "The Flu".

In the 70's Swine Flu 'vaccine' caused many deaths, perhaps more deaths than the Swine Flu itself would have caused.

Do you trust your governments?

Do you trust the WHO?

Conspiracy Theorist is the Label that they want to throw on you in order to shut you up.

Keep speaking out.

Pale Horse

Staff member
monkey said:
Do you trust your governments?

Do you trust the WHO?

Conspiracy Theorist is the Label that they want to throw on you in order to shut you up.

Keep speaking out.

What's your theory behind it?