Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


New member
Well, I was scouring the web again today in search of fresh news about my muse, Alison Doody, when I stumbled on her Wikipedia entry, which now reports she is being considered for a part in the sixth Harry Potter movie, due to come out next year!! Apparently she is to play Draco Malfoy's mother, Narcissa. Is that fantastic or what? I've had people telling me that Wikipedia isn't to be trusted and that anybody can type out whatever they want on that site, but the rumor must have some sort of foundation!! I'm SO glad the Harry Potter producers *may* be considering the beautiful Alison Doody for a part in the franchise. I've been crossing my fingers for years hoping she would land a substantial part in a well-known film, and there you go. Let's just hope she's cast for real!!! And besides, she would play the *****y witch to perfection! Any comments? Yay or nay?


New member
I could see her in that role. However, it isn't a very big part. If I recall correctly, the character is only in the book for the first chapter or so. I think it would be a good casting decision.


Active member
Holy crud! Interesting. But who will play Aberforth? And Kid Snape?

I can't wait to see the break-in at Gringotts on screen. (y)
Who? from me?!?!? Naaaah... I'm NEVER sarcastic.... N-E-V-E-R!


(last pic I saw of A.D. she looked like an old catchers mitt that someone had left out in the sun for too long.... )


New member
My God, that's harsh! I don't think we've been viewing the same pictures! Could you perhaps provide a link to that particular picture?

She looks ALMOST as ugly as Kate Capshaw.... almost.....

She'll be perfect as that Malfoy b**ch.


New member
You're kidding me, she's smokin' hot on that pic! For a moment I was scared, I thought you REALLY had found an ugly pic of Alison, but I've always been fond of that particular one, since she's the only one out the three ladies that doesn't look on drugs.

She looks Narcissa-ish all right.


New member
I have to say, that really isn't a flattering picture of any of them, although Doody (hehe) looks the best out of the trio. I'm surprised that Karen Allen looks so good in the video and pictures we saw. And Capshaw...well...poor lighting? Poor plastic surgeon? Not really sure. Either way, not a very good picture of any of them.