Real Indys


New member
I just got back from the local VFW, where I go to visit every now and then. The post commander said I have a standing invitation to stop by whenever I want because of all the articles I've written on the work they do.

I was there following up on a story I had heard from a local WWII vet who said Fort Lee had a high mortality rate for its residents who enlisted and fought overseas. I asked Jimmy, the commander who himself was in the Pacific Theater, about the rate.

He said that 800 men enlisted, 47 never came back. The total population at the time was less than 5,000. If you think about it, that is quite a disproportionate ratio.

For as long as I've known Jimmy (about 7 months now), I realized while talking to him, that I never thanked him, nor any other WWII vets for what they did. So before I left, I told him how appreciative I am for what he did. I'm not bragging, or showing off "Look how good I am", I', just saying that thanking these guys when you do run into them is good for the soul.


Yes, they deserve our gratitude. It is the least we can do, I mean they put their lives on the line for us to have our freedoms. Most WWII vets i have met r very modest but you know some of them went through h***. Just a simple thank you and a handshake is all u have to do. You can do more but at least thank them