Indy 5 progress: Boardworthy yet?


"I guess if I found an object for him to go after, we could do the sequel. But it took me 20 years to find the last object, so I don't know whether that will ever happen...
Come on, George!
He could go after aspirins to the drugstore, and with a good script you can have a good Indy movie. But with "a good script" I mean a GOOD script.


New member
No Ticket said:
How about a board simply called:

"The Future of Indiana Jones"
Talk about Indy V, VI, IV... X?

That would work fine, at least for the time being. But doesn't "VII" come after "VI"? ;)

The Man

Well-known member
Kingsley said:
Come on, George!
He could go after aspirins to the drugstore, and with a good script you can have a good Indy movie. But with "a good script" I mean a GOOD script.

This is the central problem. Can't Lucas take suggestions on which MacGuffin to use rather than 'searching' for himself? It sounds like a mixture of stubbornness and childishness.


Staff member
Exhibit F, Ford, April 25:
"I would do another one in a New York minute. It would be interesting to see Indy in his 60s, but we might have to decide between putting him on a college campus or in a rocking chair!"


New member

Hearsay... If we are to take at face value anything and everything Mr. Lucas says alloud we'd most likely have a 30 part Star Wars saga about a little emo kid.

Furthermore I reject any non Harrison Ford Indiana Jones movie and if it pleases the court I request for a pysciatric evaluation of the defendants for considering such a hanus crime against the Indy movies.

The Man

Well-known member
Deckard said:

Hearsay... If we are to take at face value anything and everything Mr. Lucas says alloud we'd most likely have a 30 part Star Wars saga about a little emo kid.

Furthermore I reject any non Harrison Ford Indiana Jones movie and if it pleases the court I request for a pysciatric evaluation of the defendants for considering such a hanus crime against the Indy movies.

Sustained. Your objection is totally valid, but if this thread is to reach an Exhibit Z, we may need a little fanciness here and there.

The Man

Well-known member
Exhibit G: Three days after the signatures, on November 30, 1979, Variety announced the deal. Underneath the headline screaming across the banner, Dale Pollock wrote:

Confirming one of the most talked-about deals in Hollywood, Paramount Pictures will finance and distribute worldwide the Lucasfilm production of Raiders of the Lost Ark, along with four sequels to the property.

- The Complete Making Of Indiana Jones, pg. 36​


Staff member
Exhibit H: kinda digging here. Since 2 of the 3 hated Saucer Men...
''Harrison said, 'No way am I being in a Steve Spielberg movie like that,''' recalls Lucas. ''And Steven said, 'I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.'''
but in 1999
McCallum said that there's a script that Lucas, Spielberg and Ford are all excited about but unfortunately McCallum can't see the start of the movie for at least another four to five years.
According to the timeline, that leaves one script which was (is?) loved by all 3 and filmable! And I doubt it was about skulls, because Lucas said the others said,
"'Can't we do this?' and I said 'No'. So we pottered around with that for a couple of years."
And Boam's script came but one year after Saucer Men.


Staff member
Exhibit I, official magazine p. 27, Spielberg on Ford:
"I'm sure he's got another 10 years in him if he wants to do something else like this again."
Exhibit J, Frank Marshall, 2/3 through the video...
"That's questionable, you know, we never say never."
(Reporter: "It made enough money.")
"Yeah, yeah, but it took us 19 years to come up with the script ... we're all going to be way too old... Still, Indiana Jones is Harrison Ford, so we'll go from there, we'll see."
Exhibit K, page 233 of the Complete Making Of. Another notion, another MacGuffin?
Spielberg: "[By February 2000] George and I had put a couple of ideas into the works, we had toyed around with a couple of conceptual notions, but we really hadn't thrown ourselves body and soul into the process."
Ford: "The three of us never agreed on one of the notions that were advanced over the years."
Lucas: "They said, can't we do it with Nazis hiding in Argentina? ... Once we put Marion in the movie and knew they were going to be reunited, we first thought there should be a daughter Indy didn't know about. She was going to be 13, a little spitfire."
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Moedred said:
Lucas: "They said, can't we do it with Nazis hiding in Argentina?
Wow, that would have been special for me!
About nazis hiding here, well, that has much more historical accuracy than any crystal skull origin. There are probably some of them still alive here.

Maybe a plot line for Indy 5?


Exhibit L, Times Online July 27, 2008
Lucas is also considering what to do about the fifth instalment in the Indiana Jones franchise, which he has produced from the outset. The most recent film, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, has taken almost $750m (£375m) at the international box office, and the whip-snapping archeologist remains in high demand, even though his own days as a whippersnapper are behind him (Harrison Ford is two years older than Lucas).

“We were hoping for box-office figures like that, which is, ultimately, with inflation, what the others have done, within 10%,” Lucas explains. “So, we squeaked up there. Really, though, it was a challenge getting the story together and getting everybody to agree on it. Indiana Jones only becomes complicated when you have another two people saying ‘I want it this way’ and ‘I want it that way’, whereas, when I first did Jones, I just said, ‘We’ll do it this way’ — and that was much easier. But now I have to accommodate everybody, because they are all big, successful guys, too, so it’s a little hard on a practical level.

If I can come up with another idea that they like, we’ll do another. Really, with the last one, Steven wasn’t that enthusiastic. I was trying to persuade him. But now Steve is more amenable to doing another one. Yet we still have the issues about the direction we’d like to take. I’m in the future; Steven’s in the past. He’s trying to drag it back to the way they were, I’m trying to push it to a whole different place. So, still we have a sort of tension. This recent one came out of that. It’s kind of a hybrid of our own two ideas, so we’ll see where we are able to take the next one.”

The Man

Well-known member
“If I can come up with another idea that they like, we’ll do another. Really, with the last one, Steven wasn’t that enthusiastic. I was trying to persuade him. But now Steve is more amenable to doing another one. Yet we still have the issues about the direction we’d like to take. I’m in the future; Steven’s in the past.

For Christ's sake, why doesn't Lucas just swallow his pride and give Spielberg ultimate control over an Indy V? Honestly, who do people trust more when it comes to instinctive film-making??? Grrrrr....


Staff member
Exhibit M:
‘‘There were six scripts written for that film and [Darabont's] was number four, and I didn't think it worked, it wasn't what we were looking for,'' Lucas says.
I guess the "not the script we're looking for" mind trick didn't work on Frank. In 2005 Lucas said there were "six scripts, two rewrites" and last year, "five different writers"... Anyway, on Indy 5:
‘‘That I don't know. I'd have to come up with another story that has a good object for him to chase. Last time Harrison (Ford) was always for it but I think Steve (Spielberg) was more reluctant. Steve is now more prone to wanting to do another one than he was before so I don't have to talk him into it. It's just coming up with the idea is really hard because there's a lot of requirements that make Indiana Jones work and unique, it's not just another one of those Mummy/Lara Croft things, it's got a lot more going on.''
Exhibit N.
“Indiana Jones is Indiana Jones. Harrison Ford IS Indiana Jones,” Lucas said, dismissively adding about a character he helped create that, “If it was Mutt Williams it would be ‘Mutt Williams and the Search for Elvis’ or something.”
“We ARE looking for something for him to go after,” Lucas said. “They are very hard to find. It’s like archeology. It takes a huge amount of research to come up with something that will fit.”
Exhibit O:
"It sits on the shelf there as one of 50 projects that I have to deal with... And if I can come up with a story ..."
But, Lucas added, "it's very hard to come up with stories for that thing. You know, It's really impossible. Because it has to be real. It has to be something that actually happened. It has to be something people know about. It has to be supernatural. It's a really difficult research project. Which they're researching now. You know, and last time it took 14 years. So ... "
Who, top men?
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New member
These news were like song to my ears...I could felt that Lucas is SANE after all for not creating new adventures with Indiana Jones title but with Mutt as the main role...
I sense we will have our Indy 5 coming for next year!!! :whip: (y)


Staff member
I'm making a motion to withdraw Exhibit P... it's some deskbound journalist's rehash of Exhibit N. It's not supported by the witness (MTV) and hearsay is inadmissable.

There should be plenty more Lucas quotes around the Clone Wars premiere.