Speaking of fast relationships...


Well-known member
Everyone complains how Marion went from being angry at Indy in their first scene in KOTCS together to wanting to marry him the next..but isn't that the same thing which happened in Raiders? I mean the very first scene they meet, she's angry and even bitter, bordering on hateful with years of pent up seeming disgust for Jones..and yet in the next scene in Cairo and thereafter is flirtatious with him, shooting him loving or playful looks and playfully referring to the monkey as their ''baby''.

Similar to KOTCS. She went from perhaps false-anger to acting like a young girl with a huge crush within a few scenes--and if you notice, at least in Raiders (and even in KOTCS), it's how she acts around him--Like a puppy in love, almost girlish rather than womanly. Look at her playful attitude with him in Cairo, or that big beaming girlish grin she gets while they're in the truck in KOTCS.

Montana Smith

Active member
I can imagine Marion's mood swings would soon get on Indy's nerves, so that by Indy V he'll be happily divorced and free of family commitments to do his own thing!

Dr Bones

New member
Never had any issue with their relationship.

She had been smitten with Indy for years. They have a strong history so those feelings were already there, just masked with anger/abandonment issues.

The passage of time (days) was enough to rekindle romance in their world, which has been editted down to just over an hour for our viewing. From leaving the KOTCS to the wedding, months may have elapsed for all we know.

Life and death situations can also have quite an affect on a relationship!


New member
This is something I've noticed as well. In fact, I was shocked that this was one of the complaints of Crystal Skull, when the same thing happened in Raiders. I remember Spoony one saying in one of his videos that they ruined the character of Marion with the fourth film, but to tell the truth, I never found anything too impressive about the character in the first place. To me, she's just a stereotypical tomboy love interest for Indy. In fact pretty much all the characters in the Indy films are sterotypes.

The only characters I can certainly say are not stereotypes, are Belloq and Donovan. These two are actually well rounded three dimensional characters, who don't come off as the stereotypical "Bond Villain" like Mola Ram, Spalko, Toht, and Elsa.


Moderator Emeritus
I think the main problem with the "fast" relationship in KOTCS that Raiders doesn't have, is the lack of a proper love scene (which is my complaint). Raiders had the Bantu Wind love scene, even though it happens later in the film, it's certainly is easier to suspend disbelief in terms of how the relationship develops and grows. That and there's a stronger sense of shared danger.

In KOTCS, there's some dialogue in the truck (though I just don't think it counts, despite the fact that I love those lines) and a near kiss at the end of the stairs sequence, that Mutt interrupts. It's something that a lot more thinly spread across the film, it's not established with a proper love scene. Admittedly, the way KOTCS is structured does make it a little difficult, especially with Mutt in tow, to include a proper scene.

And as for the wedding, it's meant to be Spring and the film itself takes place in Autumn 1957 (according to the bts stuff on the dvds). Which means Spring 1958. So it is a few months later- enough time for a renewed relationship in the Indyverse.


Active member
I think "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me." applies.

My complaint at the time was how quickly Marion seemed to fall back into the same pattern for a man who dumped her a week before their wedding and disappeared (apparently). Even though Indy didn't know, her being pregnant probably wouldn't have helped either.

Chewbacca Jones

New member
My complaint, like Spoony, was not that the RELATIONSHIP was poorly depicted in CS, but that MARION was. In Raiders, even as she starts falling in love with him again, and even gushing a bit and flirting, she never does the over swooning stuff that she does in CS. She went after Indy in Raiders (or was at least swept away on her own terms). In CS, she was sucked in by him. Worse yet, her resistance to her attraction to Indy seems much more "put on" in CS because of that swoony stuff. In Raiders, she's seems to genuinely want to out, but can't help how she feels.

That's my take, anyhow. But as for going from venom to passion in 2 hours... Movie Magic is a wonderful thing! Nothing new to see here.
Indy and Marion have a special bond, they had a relationship 10 years before ROTLA when Marion was quite young, who knows Indy might have been her first love. They had the relationship in ROTLA where they concieved a son and afterwards apparently they almost got married. In KOTCS they are reunited and she informs Indy of the son they have together and they get married. The way I see it is that two soulmates finally decided to get together for good and get married. It made perfect sense to me and I didnt consider it to be a fast relationship at all, because of their long history quite the opposite actually.


New member
I liked that KOTCS ended with their wedding. That was one of the things done right. I like the idea that Marion would be back in Indy 5 (and 6).

The truck. I don't think Marion comes across as convincingly angry. The line about "a week before the wedding." She seems to be laughing, and if there's a fault, it seems that it's there...not that it's Karen Allen's fault. I think it's something that the editors did; they chose a bad cut for that line. The rest of the scene -- the rest of their chemistry -- is great, but the way she says that line breaks the fourth wall for me.