Who are the "Raiders of the Lost Ark"?


New member
The Raiders were....
The Nazis.

They wanted it to use it for evil, while Indy wanted it in the safe hands.


Well-known member
Hey Greg. Great to see you here! :D

You ask a very interesting question.

Well, according to the second Raiders trailer:

"They are all Raiders of the Lost Ark". ;)


Staff member
Moderator note

Indeed... people, <i>look at the dates</i>, so you won't get confused. All the topics popping up on the top of this page hasn't made since your last visit. Digging up old threads is not prohibited around here, though. But we might appreciate that you'd somehow mention in your post that the thread in question has been bumped, just to clear it out for those who don't bother to watch the dates.

Just a humble remainder. Continue.


Well-known member
Finn, with all due respect, I rarely look at the dates on the threads, and secondly, I would never post just to bump up my post count.


Staff member
Moderator note

Also, please read the posts of your fellow members <i>very</i> closely to avoid misunderstandings.

<small><b>Non-Moderator note for Canyon truly</b></small>

Nobody said nothing bumping the <i>post count</i>. We were talking about <i>bumping old threads</i> back to the top of the forum page. Also, you really better check the dates, which can be found from the side of every post. Not that hard at all.


Well-known member
Ooh, I get a moderator note all to myself!

How exciting. ;)

BTW, I do know where the date of the post can be located. I just don't always look at them, thats all.

Sheesh. Moderators... :rolleyes:


New member
I say the evil aliens who beamed Hilter down from CrazyPlanet are the raiders of the lost ark because they needed a coffee table but didn't get it so they went after the grail so they could have a new cup as a souveiner of eartha and...



New member
Raiders of the Found Ark? Otto Rahn ? Otto Skorzeny

The founders of the Third Reich were esoterically involved with matters which unavoidably skirt the mysteries associated with the valley of Rennes-le-Chateau. Their interests were not however, confined to the ephemeral, there is evidence of the tenacity with which they pursued the material associations of the valley. Many assorted books on Rennes-le-Chateau mention that a battalion of German mining engineers made excavations in the area during World War Two.


Arrangements were made for engineers to be brought to the treasure cache and for it to be taken back to the small town of Merkers, 40 miles from Berlin. And here, after it was catalogued by hand-picked members of the Ahnenerbe, most of it disappeared to various parts of the crumbling Reich. The catalogue of treasures included:-

1. Thousands of gold coins...

2. Items which were believed to have come from the Temple of Solomon,which included the gold plates and fragments of wood which had once made up the Ark of Moses... a gold plated table, a candelabra with seven branches, a golden urn, a staff, a harp, a sword, innumerable golden plates and vessels, many small bells of gold and a number of precious jewels and onyx stones, some of which bore inscriptions...

3. Twelve stone tablets bearing pre-runic inscriptions which none of the experts were able to read. These items comprised the stone Grail of the Germans and of Otto Rahn.

4. A beautiful silvery Cup with an emerald-like base made of what appeared to be jasper. Three gold plaques on the Cup were inscribed with cuneiform script in an ancient language.

5. A large number of religious objects of various types... crosses from different periods which were of gold or silver and adorned with pearls and precious stones.

6. Precious stones in abundance in all shapes and sizes.

