Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings


Well-known member
UGH!!! The finger nail on Indy's pinky doesn't have enough dirt under it.This game is going to blow!


Of course it's a prerendered trailer.You'd be a fool to think it was actual game play. I'm a bit out of the loop when it comes to video games these days but aren't most video game trailers prerenders?


New member
...Actually most video game trailers are NOT entirely prerendered when A.) the game's release is but a few months away and B.) They have actual gameplay that is WORTH SHOWING.

This game is made from the discarded scraps of the REAL IJSOK that was to come out on REAL next gen systems and feature real gameplay - not gimmick - and REAL nice graphics, giving us what looked to be our first great Indy game since FOA. What we will have here is a jagged, blurred textured, casual, kiddy, gimmicky mess of a game that will pale in comparison to what might have been. What a joke. Tell you what, you take a look at some of the gameplay seen in the WIi version of Tomb Raider or Force Unleashed and tell me they look any better than a Game Cube title that could have come out 5 years ago. Then take a look at all the "cute little" mini games that pop up EVERY DAMN second in both of those games - mini games that make you shake your "wii-mote" in a manner that in no way shape or form matches what your character is doing on screen. The Wii is a new way to control a game - it is not an advancement in GAMEPLAY. That is done by talented designers and artists who can meld innovative ideas, immersive graphics, and intelligent AI to make you feel as though you are in the MOVIE! How great would that have been.

Hell, look at the 2006 trailer. Those IN GAME graphics are as good as what wee see here in this PRERENDERED trailer.

"Oh, but the kids! The kids will LOVE it." To hell with the kids. They already got there own Indy movie last May. It's time for an intelligent return to form for the greatest adventure hero of all time. It's time for the smart, two fisted, witty gameplay from FOA to grace our screens again.

We need a petition. Seriously.


New member
Just cause it doesn't say PS3 right on the screen, doesn't mean it aint coming for it. It almost always means its coming out ACROSS platforms. Ps2, AND ps3. So don't lose hope now. We can still get it, they'd be foolish not to release it on all available platforms.


Well-known member
indyjones2131 said:
It's time for the smart, two fisted, witty gameplay from FOA to grace our screens again.

Well,I may not see eye to eye on you with this issue but I do agree with you on this topic.I'd love to see the,as you put it,"smart, two fisted, witty gameplay from FOA to grace our screens again" but in the form of a new point and click game.(y)


New member
Indymac, I admire your optimism.

In fact it would give me hope if not for the countless rumors that this was downgraded to a portable and Wii title. And read that latest press release refering to the cancelation rumors carefully. It's vague nature is quite telling.

Also, Lucasarts would have no reason to release on the PS3 and not the 360. The only companies that do that (microsoft, epic, naughty dog) have deals with one console - which is why we don't have Gears of War on the PS3 or Wii, etc.

Do I understand their decision? Not at all. Force Unleashed did sell pretty well and this would too considering the amount of business KOTCS did (2nd for 2008).


New member
I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. And I'm sorry I have nothing to add but:

**** this.

Lucasarts sucks as of late. First Battlefront 3 canceled now this.

**** them.


New member
Damn it! Why only Wii and PS2?? It's so stupid, what can they do on last-gen consoles that they can't on next-gen?! What a wasted opportunity! What a stupid decision!


New member
Actually Battlefront 3 is not cancelled. It's being completed by another company - the same that did the handheld version, though this will be on next gen systems. Unfortunately it sounds as though it may be lacking some of the tech advancements that BF3 was supposed to have such as going seamlessly from space to land in one big battle.

But yeah, that star wars so who cares. Lucasarts definitely sucks.


New member
indyjones2131 said:
Actually Battlefront 3 is not cancelled. It's being completed by another company - the same that did the handheld version, though this will be on next gen systems. Unfortunately it sounds as though it may be lacking some of the tech advancements that BF3 was supposed to have such as going seamlessly from space to land in one big battle.

What ever happened to F'in quality? I mean, seriously.

What has happened. **** them.


New member
It really is sad.

I remember the days when I would see that familiar Lucasarts logo and it was like seeing Speilberg's name on something. It was almost magic, the amount of imagination and quality they portrayed.

Now. Nothing. A shadowy reflection of what they used to be.

Jeez, first the movie sucks, then comics keep getting pushed back, then the novel gets pushed back, then this game get screwed up. What's happening to Indy?

So about that petition...


New member
First of all: I was right! So I'm neither a lair nor naive! :D
@ Finn: HA HA!

Second: The trailer is pretty cool! Intense Indy feeling. The best is the hat! It looks so cool. :D But why is it, that Indy has two strap buckles? (y)

Third: No PS3, no 360? I'm so pissed! I totally sign the "obsolete and kiddy console" statement. I'm not saying, that it can't be a good game, but it will look sh***y, especially for LucasArts' full-bodied "This is Next-Gen Indy" statements! And it will control like a hovercraft balancing on a handrail. That sucks big time! (n)


New member
its a nice cinematic trailer, though it really doesnt show anything gameplay related..

pity if it won't come out for the PS3 and Xbox 360, but if they can manage to get the graphical quality of God of War for the PS2 version, I think I can still be very happy with it, even though I find it quite buggering that I won't be able to play it on the PS3 like I was hoping too..

look on the bright side though, at least the game is still partly alive :)


New member
Trennas said:
look on the bright side though, at least the game is still partly alive :)

That's the only reason that keeps me from putting a voodoo-curse over every single LucasArts employee! Even their janitor! grrrrrr

Indy Black

New member
Don't know but it's kind of nice as I got a new DS for Christmas and don't have to worry about shelling out for a WII or PS to be able to play. Sure to some it may be "kiddie" game consoles but to those who don't/cant' afford the more expensive systems. Or are only casual gamers I'm glad to see the DS listed.


New member
Indy Black said:
Don't know but it's kind of nice as I got a new DS for Christmas and don't have to worry about shelling out for a WII or PS to be able to play. Sure to some it may be "kiddie" game consoles but to those who don't/cant' afford the more expensive systems. Or are only casual gamers I'm glad to see the DS listed.

The problem ain't that it comes out for Wii, DS and PSP. The problem is that it does not come out for ps3 and xbox360. :( If it would be released for next gen consoles, I wouldn't even care if they also release it for calculators, Vtech learning systems or wrist watches. :p

I'm happy for the Wii-Owners though, 'cause till now it looked like they would miss out the game.


Staff member
tocksic said:
@ Finn: HA HA!
If you find a short piece of prerendered shtick worth posting that, anything to offer the condolences I guess... what a Pyrrhic victory. Heh.

It's kind of weird that people are so worked up as we technically saw this coming from a mile away, considering LEC announced months ago that it's going to shut down its own development units and continue only as a publisher for third parties.


Active member
tocksic said:
I'm happy for the Wii-Owners though, 'cause till now it looked like they would miss out the game.

I'm a Wii and DS owner so I'm very happy today :D

And to all of you saying "ugh the graphics are gonna suck" etc, we havent seen any in-game footage yet, and besides gameplay should be more important than graphics.

The Tingler

New member
Does anyone else notice that the trailer is made up of a) early concept art/early trailer stuff, and b) Emperor's Tomb?

I'll be getting it for Wii (as the likelihood is I wouldn't have been able to play the 360 version when it finally came it), but I'll be hollow inside.

And a further point - if this was (as many Wii games are) cross-developed with the PS2 version, it is entirely possible that Emperor's Tomb (Xbox/PC version) will actually look better than Staff of Kings. Think about that.

R.I.P. LucasArts the Great Developer. Killed by stupid marketing people and directors who just couldn't give a **** about games.

Crack that whip

New member
indyjones2131 said:
I'd like to suggest that we start a petition to get a 360 and PS3 Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings as promised and advertised by Lucasarts.

Advertised? Where was the game advertised?

That trailer looks sweet. :D I'm not sure I'm quite sold on Indy's face (did they deliberately tweak it to make it different from Harrison's, over a likeness rights issue?), but it's a lot of fun all the same.