Second time I watched it, and I loved it!


New member
I think having a little familiarity with the characters and the scenes made a huge difference. First time I watched it, I was a little disappointed and bored for some parts.. I think I was expecting Last Crusade. Now that I was expecting KotCS it really rocked. I love it

Did anyone else change their opinion upon 2nd viewings?


New member
blueoakleyz said:
I think having a little familiarity with the characters and the scenes made a huge difference. First time I watched it, I was a little disappointed and bored for some parts.. I think I was expecting Last Crusade. Now that I was expecting KotCS it really rocked. I love it

Did anyone else change their opinion upon 2nd viewings?
It only got worse second time around. Never again. Never I say!


Active member
I think those who saw the move spoiler free will get the greatest benefit from seeing it a second time.

Knowing that Mutt is Indy's son gives greater meaning to their interactions in the beginning. Also the Alien plot is easier to understand on seeing it a second time.


It got better for me the second time as well. I too kind of had Last Crusade in my mind when I first saw it.


New member
sandiegojones said:
yes, everything gelled more for me the second time. It was much tighter.
Saw it for the second time today and liked it even better. It still had some flaws but I liked it.


New member
I definitely think I would enjoy the movie more the second time around. The first time, it's like you're nervously hoping for awesomeness in every frame.

Somehow, none of the reviews really prepared me for the radically different tone of KOTCS. I know TOD and LC were silly at times, but KOTCS went even further in that direction.

Now that I've accepted KOTCS for what it is, I can enjoy it.


New member
IMO it keeps getting better.

I grew up with the original 3 (born in 88), and so they were just already "the best movies ever" to me. But to prepare, just recently I watched the trilogy with a bunch of my friends who hadn't seen them, and it really fleshed out their ridiculousness for me. now I can't help but think that all of these criticisms are what logically must have followed the original sequels.

I am more than satisfied with this flick. I'm ecstatic. I've seen it 3 times and I think Monday will be the 4th. Love it. Instant Indy, every frame. (y)


New member
Skipper said:
I definitely think I would enjoy the movie more the second time around. The first time, it's like you're nervously hoping for awesomeness in every frame.

Well said. I was also disappointed after the first time. I went in spoiler free and I expected something totally different than what I saw and of course the best movie of the world. ;) But the second time I knew what to expect and I was much more happy with it.

I will definitely see it for a third time. (y)

Dr. Gonzo

New member
I have seen it 4 times now and the first time I was less than enthusiastic. The second time I liked it much better, the third and fourth times I felt it belonged in the series and thought it was better than one of the entries in particular. It is definately not the best... but not the worst either.

No Ticket

New member
Yup. I think familiarity and understanding what "flavor" of Indy I was getting helped it out upon the second viewing. It felt more Indy that's for sure. I think, I too was expecting a LC "flavor" and now I've got a feel for what KOTCS is all about.


New member
Loved it for the first time, and even more for the 2nd!
I'm already planning a 3rd time in the cinema and wait for the release on DVD.