What to avoid in Indy 4



what do you not want to see in the next movie?

I don't want to see any involvment of aliens or saucers.

Attila the Professor

Staff member
Maudlin sentiment.

Too much action.

Idiotic twists of character.

Overt references to the previous films.

Cultural imperialism.

The lack of Indy Noir principles. ;)


there's gonna be a line or two like that...it's imminent

Joe Brody

Well-known member
Attila the Professor said:
Maudlin sentiment.

Too much action.

Idiotic twists of character.

Overt references to the previous films.

Cultural imperialism.

The lack of Indy Noir principles. ;)

I hate 'me too' posts -- but I've got to acknowledge the master. Attila sums it up short and sweet (although I could never have too much action . . .and [Jokingly] 'the lack of' phrasing got me all jumbled up for a second and reminded me of the 'double negative' line from 'Murder By Death', a mutual favorite).


New member
Renderking Fisk said:
Attila took the question more seriously then I did. Seriously I don't want to see a flick packed full of things just because you can.

^ What he said.

CGI must not have too big of a role (if any) in this movie. I want the stunts to be real and not have a CGI Indy doing it. No blue screens. No green screens. No guys in body suits with the little motion detecting ball things on them fighting Ford. I want it to be made like the last ones were.

Some miniature stunts and matte backgrounds, however, can be made with CGI. While the special affects were all great in the originals (the Ark souls, the bridge being cut, the mine cart chase, Donavon's rapid aging, Leap of Faith, etc), they could have been better. I wouldn't think of tampering those scenes but the airplane sequence in LC wasn't too great. That could've been better with today's technology.

I don't want all these cameos by people from the last movie just because they can. If the story calls for Sallah and Henry, great, bring them on onboard, but if it can be good without them, don't bother getting them to be in it.

Pale Horse

Staff member
Matthias1138 said:
^ What he said.

CGI must not have too big of a role (if any) in this movie. I want the stunts to be real and not have a CGI Indy doing it. No blue screens. No green screens. No guys in body suits with the little motion detecting ball things on them fighting Ford. I want it to be made like the last ones were.

So much animosity against CGI, but remember this; It was done well in Jurassic Park, and it was done superb in Gladiator. I doubt that if IJ-IV get made, Speilberg and Lucas will try to push the limits of the art, at the sake of the film. Some things just can't be the way they were in the past. That's why we call it "past".

Seeing how their original intent was to capture the spirit of of the old serials, I think it would be great to see Indy hanging off a cliff we've never seen on this Earth. Granted some of the ToD stuff was campy, but that is some of the charm and lore of a serial/reproduction.


New member
IndyJohan said:
I agree no CGI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See, I said not too much, not none. If an enviroment or vehicle segment calls for it, let's go. But the fact that in some movies the stunts are CG (and obvious) it just sets me off.

Most of my favorite movies are full of CGI so it's possible to have it in a great movie.


Lucas like to go overboard with that CGI

The feel of the Indy movies is raw and gritty and adding CGI would make it slick and stylish: thus ruining one of the key Indy elements


Well-known member
I've said these before:

1.) NO spaceships. Keep them in the Star Wars movies. No stupid "Area 51" references either, please. Keep "space talk" to the atmosphere above the earth. :D

2.) NO villians coming back from the dead, and no villian's relatives wreaking vengance on Indy (ie-- I don't want to see Belloq's third cousin twice removed appearing and saying MWAAHAAHAAHAAA) :rolleyes:

3.) For the love of all that's Indy, NO EVIL TWIN BROTHER!! This would be the campiest, corniest, most contrived bit of trash that could appear in an Indy film. :mad:

And if Willie should turn out to be Indy's wife, I will personally stage a one-person bloodbath at Skywalker Ranch!! ARRRR!! :mad: :sick:


New member
What wouldn't I like to see? - well to be honest after so long I am not that picky....

1. For the film to be little more than a rehash of what has gone before
2. No strange members of the Jones family popping up (bar Henry and Indy of course)


New member
Pale Horse said:
So much animosity against CGI, but remember this; It was done well in Jurassic Park, and it was done superb in Gladiator. I doubt that if IJ-IV get made, Speilberg and Lucas will try to push the limits of the art, at the sake of the film. Some things just can't be the way they were in the past. That's why we call it "past".

This element of filmaking should be supported, Im not denying that, and 'technological progression' is good most of the time. But there should also be more than one aim, and the subjective opinion of the ineffective past, and how their technologies have become outdated and have become obsolete, is truer in the latter sense moreso than the former.

There are those, however, that still feel that stop motion, rubber suits, miniture sets or fast motion are still very effective based solely on their inanimated feel, whereas newer proprieties have brought about the age of whats lightly termed as the age of digital fakeness. So sometimes newer, doesn't always necessarily mean better, in some minds, but I won't dispute that CGI is still evolving.;)
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