KotCS reviews in media

Indy Jones

Active member
I think it's safe to say that since prettymuch all of the reception is so good, we can also assume that it's good. :p

But in truth, it's comforting. I knew I was going to love it either way, but now I know that in the grand-scheme of things, it won't be sub-par. One thing that reviews can be good for is gauging the quality of the film (which I find unrelated to one's opinion on it.) The best films can sometimes be the ones that find a way to please everybody, and that's almost what KOTCS has done.

It's nice when the rest of the world agrees with you. :p

And I think the reviews will help the gross even more, because those few who were wary of the film due to various reasons may suppose they were wrong.


Active member
Raiders112390 said:
Actually, it'd make whatever is the fourth best sequel the worst of 4 films.

No, Indy has 3 sequels: TOD, LC, KOTCS. ROTLA is not a sequel. They are saying KOTCS is the worst but I'm keeping my head high!

Indy Jones

Active member
And, might I add, I was preleasently surprised by Knowles' review. I pray the film means as much to me as it did to him.


New member
blueseattle said:

Peter Travers just gave it "some" positive props and he's the only critic, film wise, that I follow and believe in. NICE!

Though some of his comments concern me.

There are spoilers in that review. That review doesn't encourage me. I'm expecting KOTCS to bring movies back to the glory of Raiders and Temple of Doom. Nothing should every be ordinary about Indy, Indy movies should always be a cut above the rest.


New member
Woot, went back up! And not even that is accurate yet, 2 more postive reviews were added. I think it's at 80% now coutning those two.

So far, Temple is beating Indy 4. Hopefully KOTCS levels off somewhere at 7.5/10


New member
triklops said:
Quint at AICN goes Indy 4:


Contains spoilers, so I did not read the whole thing....He says it's the third best sequel....It's rather positive...

Very interesting : It's like a fight between Lucas & Spielberg....It goes back and forth between good stuff and goofy stuff :)

That's a bit mischaracterized. Quint said he liked the goofy stuff...just that the back and forth made the film a bit uneven. It wasn't a slam on Lucas and you shouldn't interpret it that way.


New member
There have been only 20 reviews out of potentially 100's. Nothing is definitive yet, although, the top critics generally like the film. Still 6/10 and anywhere in that vicinity is not really something I'm pleased with. I'm hoping for at least somewhere between TLC and TOD.


New member
Borbarad said:
There have been only 20 reviews out of potentially 100's. Nothing is definitive yet, although, the top critics generally like the film. Still 6/10 and anywhere in that vicinity is not really something I'm pleased with. I'm hoping for at least somewhere between TLC and TOD.

lol 82% of Top Critics! That is good for this day and age. And with a movie that has been 20yrs in the making.


New member
IrishLuck1980 said:
Ladies and Gentlemen, I think it is safe to say Steve, George, and Harrison have delivered.

Well not really, you make it sound like an unqualified success. Even the really positive reviews say the middle drags and is too talky -- almost everyone agrees on that. And even the good reviews think the supporting cast isn't given much to do.

What I'm getting from the dozen or so reviews I've read, good and bad, is that it's pretty much kind of alright. Not an embarrassment, but pretty good, with some flaws. Meaning, big fans of the series won't be heartbroken, they'll have a good time. But it's not excellent.

Which is about what I was expecting I guess. I was just hoping it wouldn't be slammed by everyone, which it's definitely not.


New member
MolaRam2 said:
There are spoilers in that review. That review doesn't encourage me. I'm expecting KOTCS to bring movies back to the glory of Raiders and Temple of Doom. Nothing should every be ordinary about Indy, Indy movies should always be a cut above the rest.

Well, he's happy and unhappy with it... at least there's something positive in it. And by the way, there are spoilers in every review here... I try to read the opening lines and that's it.


New member
cdatkins said:
That's a bit mischaracterized. Quint said he liked the goofy stuff...just that the back and forth made the film a bit uneven. It wasn't a slam on Lucas and you shouldn't interpret it that way.

Oh ok, that way my fault then. Sorry....
Like I said, I did not read the whole thing..Kinda flew over it...and my eyes caught that stuff in a hurry !!


New member
IrishLuck1980 said:
lol 82% of Top Critics! That is good for this day and age. And with a movie that has been 20yrs in the making.

Like I said that is bound to drop. Look at RT, another top critic reported in, although his review is not so postive.

Crack that whip

New member
I'm not going to actually read all these reviews just yet (heck, for that matter I won't even read all of this thread until after I see the movie ;) ), but I'm so gratified, relieved and excited to see it currently tracking solidly positive numbers at RottenTomatoes.com, especially since Roger Ebert and Richard Corliss are among the positive responders, along with some other critics whose opinions I particularly respect.

Higher would be better, of course, but hey, as long as the numbers stay as good as they are, I'll be happy. I'm so jazzed now.

:D (y) :whip: