Would you be buried in your Indy Gear?


Well-known member
Okay, here's the ultimate question for DIE HARD (yuk yuk) Indy fans. It's a bit of a touchy question. Still, I gotta ask because I'm curious. If you were to die (and we all are, unless you were to drink a Manhattan from the Holy Grail) would you be buried in your Indy gear?

Okay. There. I asked it. Let the insanity, complaints, pondering, laughing etc., begin!!


Well-known member
Believe it or not I have thought about this many times and the answer is yes.

I don't want to sound negative or depressing but I have also thought about how I would like my funeral because none of us live forever.

I would like to be buried in shirt, trousers, jacket and boots and have my bullwhip, gun and fedora laid on top of the coffin. Of course I would also like the Raiders March (or Indy's theme as it is known) to be played and also a couple of other pieces of JW's music, but that's a whole other story.

<small>Don't worry guys. I'm gonna be around for a while...</small>


New member
Renderking Fisk said:
Perhaps with my fedora but nothing else.

You mean you're going to be nude in your coffin?

I want to be buried with my second-best IndyGear on. Leaving my best for my son to carry on.

Hmmm...Perhaps I worded that wrong.No I won't be nude. I will be wearing clothing(at least I hope I will) with my fedora resting on my chest.
I couldn't help but laugh when I saw that.Good one Ren.


Well-known member
Whoa! What a brave Indy fan!

Perhaps with my fedora but nothing else.


Indy: Being buried in your fedora, Princess?
Willie: Yeah-- and nothing else. That shock you?
Indy: Nothing shocks me-- I'm a scientist. Okay. Except MAYBE a guy being buried naked with only a fedora on. Now THAT'S shocking. And kinda gross, actually. Wouldn't wanna dig up THAT guy. (Indy winces) Oh damn. Now I lost the mood! So much for "nocturnal activites." Come back in 5 minutes.

And you all know how it goes from there...


New member
*snickers too*

btw Canyon mind you that when playing music at your funeral people will always, from that moment, link that music to your funeral/death. So that means they could never enjoy that music again in a happy sense. Just a mind of thought.


Moderator Emeritus
Renderking Fisk said:
I just found out that Coppertop isn't going to be the only one who has dibs on my IndyGear!

Let me be the first on The Raven to congratulate you, Fisk!


New member
Renderking Fisk said:
I have to ammend my earlier post. I just found out that Coppertop isn't going to be the only one who has dibs on my IndyGear!

Another Fisk? "Oh, boy..."<small> as the plane heads inexorably toward the mountainside...</small>

All joking aside, congratulations. He/she, as well as Coppertop, have a noble father.

Back on topic...if I were to die in the correct, Indy way, my fedora would be all they'd have left to bury, leaving speculation and legend to tell the tale of my heroic demise...<small>exit with the Raiders March playing triumphantly in the background...</small>