A Suitable Death For Indy


Active member
Sorry if this sounds kinda morbid, but If Indy had to die, what do you guy's think would be a suitable way for him to do so? Old Age? In Action? Booby Trap? The Whip Finally Fraying away on a Swing? Personally, I thought perhaps a snake bite?


New member
Definitely a noble death - I see him diving between Marion Ravenwood and a pouncing viper to take the bite for her, thus somehow saving everyone, and later dying in bed. It would have to be related to some relic he's going after, such that in his noble death its clear that religiously he's going to some kind of IJ immortality in the afterlife, where he can forever sling the whip in peace...and eat women raw like sushi.


Moderator Emeritus
I agree with Intergamer? that he dies, sacrificing his life for someone else.
Only instead of dying later in his bed by poison? hmmm? I'd rather prefer a bullet.. killing him in within a couple of seconds after he got shot? giving him the opportunity to say a few last words?
I wonder what he'd say in those last seconds?


New member
Hmmmm I really cannot imagine Indy dying, to have him die in some accident or through the actions of another would be ridiculous as he had escaped similar situations so many hundreds of times before.

To have him die of old age or of a disease would also not work because that character would no longer be Indiana Jones who is an archetypal hero in a Fedora rather than a fully formed character that can die.

For me the only death of Indy I can imagine is him giving up on being Indy and becoming Dr Henry Jones Jr.

Junior Jones

New member
I posted a little about this on a similar thread at the Indy4 table, but I'll expand on it here.

We've already seen from the movies that Indy can survive any danger, not because he's invincible, but because he's determined. He gets injured, but he keeps going. He seems to be defeated, but he keeps going. Even if he got seriously wounded rescuing someone or doing some other heroic deed, he would remain determined to survive. The only way he could die in action is to loose that determination, and that would just be a sad way for him to go.

Another option is that he would be executed by someone. This would be different from dying in action, but I think the determination factor would still apply. Unless he gave up hope (which I don't imagine him doing) he would remain determined to escape and live, and that determination would make it possible.

Then there is the chance of sickness or disease. There are many determined people who have succumbed to death by disease so that is a plausible cause of death. But its not very heroic. Indy should not waste away in a hospital or nursing home somewhere. This is probably the weakest of my arguments, but that's just the way I see it.

It is my opinion that Indy died of old age/natural causes. He lived to a ripe old age and continued to be active as an old man. He went to bed one night, and just didn't wake up the next morning. We've seen from The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles that George Lucas thinks he lived to at least 92. In fact, it's my theory that Indy died sometime in 1993, since that's when they stopped using the "Old Indy" bookends on the Young Indy episodes.

It may be a morbid topic, but how he died should be a reflection of how he lived his life and what made him who he was, and those things would not change, even at his death.


What about Indy dying but coming back to life, like in The Medallion? Or is that too far-fetched, even for an Indy movie?


Staff member
Resurrection for Indy?

The letters you're walking on are not found in the name of God, my friend.

Dr. HenryJones.jr

New member
They remember that the movie Last Crusade "the Holy Grail" then I think maybe he is staying with long alive with holy water, when he drank with right holy grail with holy water.

@Junior Jones: You're right, Indy turns with 92 Old Indy.


what a raw deal....but maybe the holy water still gave him a couple extra years :p


New member
yes it is morbid....

if indy had to die...i would see him taking at least half the nazi armi with him.

i still say that hitler didnt commit suiside, Indy killed him...



Active member

Willie "Your gonna get killed chasing after your fortune and glory"
Indy "Maybe...But not today"


New member
I think it would be cool if Indy died by having a piano fall on his head.

Or else a safe.

My other thought is that he might get swallowed whole by a boa constrictor at the zoo. Can't figure out why he would be at the reptile house, though.