What is Indy best at? Gun, Whip or Fists?

Montana Smith said:
Just imagine Vogel's impassioned rage if that happened. Von Stalhein might have something more to say on that subject...
Screams of ______________?
<Fill in the Larry Flynt adverb>


New member
Rocket Surgeon said:
Makes you wonder if they didn't screw with the voodoo crap how the conveyor belt fight might have been better.

The stabbing pain was certainly fitting in hindsight.

He would have won.

Indeed, he was about to deliver the coup de grace with a huge pickaxe before dropping it and collapsing due to the voodoo stuff. At another point he was in the mounted position and raining punches before, again, that voodoo trickery stopped him.

Incidentally, did you not like that voodoo element to the fight? I liked it, it was original and added another element of danger to the fight, and wasn't so prominent that it became invasive. There was still plenty of them just fighting normally.
Montana Smith said:
Vogel was probably a well-trained shot, but he preferred to use his gloves, or a well-placed fist.
Yes, slapping his enemies with his gloves was his preferred mode of fighting, as he excelled in it.


Active member
oki9Sedo said:
Whip? I have no idea if he's good with it or not, relative to people with the same training and experience, because I know nothing about whipcraft.

As someone who knows something about whips.... he's portrayed as an absolute master. Unlike his punches, which don't always take out an opponent on the first smack, or his pistol shots, which miss more than they hit, he never misses with the whip on film.

Apart from the Cairo scene in Raiders where he's merely using the whip to keep assailants at bay, and wrapping Willie at the end of Temple, most of the whip moves are on the extreme edge of plausibility. Disarming (Raiders), swinging (Raiders), more swinging (Temple), even more swinging (Crusade), saving dad (Crusade), disarming again (Skull), swinging again (Skull). Even in the real world these would require preparation and several attempts for an expert. That Indy is shown as doing them casually is, of course, movie hero magic.

Other movie heroes have perfect aim with firearms, or +5 fists of Ka-Pow! Indy, though definitely skilled in both domains, demonstrably does not possess such hero magic to such a degree.

So one could argue that by this metric Indy is "best" at the whip.

(Also, and I've posted on this before, but the whip scenes at the climax of YIJC "Curse of the Jackal" / AYIJ "Spring Break Adventure" show definite talent. Not only is his aim perfect, but he's throwing the whip in a basement with his back against a wall!)


New member
WHIP WHIP WHIP yup, that's what he's best at! How did he get across the endless pit in RotLA? Whip.
How did he NOT die before that in the jungle? Whip.
yes those scenes prove it all. Plus, he got the whip when he was like thirteen or fourteen, so he's got a lot of practice.:whip:
but he's still good with the other two!


New member
I'm gonna roll with fists on this one. Not just fists but also the ability to TAKE a hit. Indy has quite a chin on him.


New member
Whip for sure. And he knows it. He uses it with absolute certainty, to swing over the pit in Raiders, over the lava in Temple, and over a certain-death height in Crusade. He snatches Barranca's gun with ease at the opening of Raiders, and also wraps Willie without worrying he'll leave a scar. He's extremely confident with his whip skills, and for good reason.

Pretty confident with his shooting skills, too. He's a good distance from the Arab Swordsman in Raiders, but he still shoots from the hip without worrying he'll take out an innocent bystander.

And as Montana noted, when it's purely fists he often needs help from a propeller, rock crusher, or ants to finish the fight. He wails on people and they keep coming at him. Good thing nobody can take a beating like Indy.

And I wholeheartedly agree with others who have said it's nice that Indy isn't superhuman. I see super skills as a fatal flaw of films like Bourne and Mission Impossible.

As for taking out three Nazis with one shot, nobody was more surprised than Indy.



New member
I would say his whip. He is actully horribile at shooting his guns. And his fists can't always be the answer. Whip is always useful.