Ask a Stupid Indy Question, Get a Stupid Indy Answer


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Team Indy said:
Q: What if Marion sang "Anything goes" in the Shanghai nightclub?

A: I've heard Karen sing before, she's quite good :cool:

Q: What if Indy accidentally punched Willie instead of the waitress?
A: Guess that would have been the shortest instalment of the Indy franchise. Period.

Q: Why didn't you keep it?

As for Miss Allen, I think she has a scrooge loose. Which explains the steering wheel column question
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New member
Lonsome_Drifter said:
Q: Does Harrison drive a Ford?

A: That would be funny if he does.

Q: Is anyone else afraid of Elsa?


The Drifter

New member
A: Gah! Look at those teeth!

Q: If a Shortie trips in the woods and no-one is around to hear it. Does the Shortie still make a sound?


New member
A: No because his hair is always perfect and is will cousin his fall.

Q:Would Herny Sr. kill Jr. for Elsa or any of his other women?


New member
A: Indy would just let them take it to the island and melt their own faces.

Q: Did Henry Sr. ever meet Regis Philbin?

Team Indy

New member
A: Yes, and he borrowed Regis's hair gel for his beard. (y)

Q: Is it a coincidence that "Indy" rhymes with "Windy"?

Team Indy

New member
A: Imagine every type of pocket lint and bubblegum that he found poking around his home.

Q: What's the type of hat that Indy always wears?

Team Indy

New member
A: Of course he does! Everyone knows the Nazis were misogynistic, even towards Aryan women!

Q: What's Marion Ravenwood's name?