Jungle Cutter and Temple of Akator?


New member
Whatever happened to these items?

Is Hasbro still releasing them along with the other figures, or are they going to wait?

At least we have seen pictures of the Temple of Akator playset, but as for the Jungle Cutter, just the one prototype picture.

So, are they coming to stores soon?


New member
According to one of the Target DPCI number listings, the Temple of Akator playset will be available this Fall. Of course, it could always come out ealier.

Glad that there are some toys yet to be released. My credit card is still red-hot from yesterday!
Forget Akator, where's my Temple of DOOM?!?!?! Or how about a new Well of Souls or even the Map Room? Or the Chachypayan Temple with light activated spike trap with exclusive Forrestal figure, shooting spikes and rolling boulder escape? I'd by them all.

Agent Z

Active member
I saw the Temple of Akator playset a couple of weeks ago at Wal-Mart, before they had it pulled back off the shelf. It looked lame, so I have to think there are a couple of TOA playsets and I am perhaps referring to the lamer one, for your sake.

EDIT: This is the one I saw. Probably not the one you guys are looking for....

The Man

Well-known member
Let's hope the jungle-cutter gets better coverage in the movie than merely being crippled by an Indy bazooka. Those blades are vintage devices for dispatching Commie goons...


New member
Playsets are always an August and on release to capitalize on the christmas shopping..It just helps Guarantee that the sets will sell better.
I hate the fact that Akator is just recycled from the Star Wars Mustafar playset. Why are the playsets always so crappy? When I was a kid they always made spectacular playsets with multiple play features. I'd pay $100 for a mammoth sized playset that was packed full of awesome features, sounds and maybe an exclusive figure or two like an Ugha chieftan and priest.

Agent Z

Active member
ChromiumBlue37 said:
I would pay $100 for a Temple of Doom playset that I KNOW Hasbro can put out on the shelves for $30 or $40.

Hmmm, I just had a flashback to...and, don't give me grief guys...but I think it was one of my mother's womens' magzines from the 80's..and they had a giant section on how to build custom Star Wars playsets with your kids to use with the store-bought action figures.

Now, they had patterns and a material list and these playsets looked AWESOME! I mean, these looked much better than the stuff already on the toy shelves. That magazine is long-gone probably, but I would love to see that article again.

Anyway, my point is, I think, that if it's not out there for you, make one of your own...and the TOD would probably be one of the easier sets to make.


New member
I think SideShow could make a 12 inch scale Kali Ma figure/statue, that is pretty much the playset.

Make sure there is a sacrificial cage, secret compartment at the base with trap door, and skull betwwen the legs with 3 removeable and illuminated Sankara stones.

Billy Ray

Well-known member
Agent Z said:
Hmmm, I just had a flashback to...and, don't give me grief guys...but I think it was one of my mother's womens' magzines from the 80's..and they had a giant section on how to build custom Star Wars playsets with your kids to use with the store-bought action figures.

Now, they had patterns and a material list and these playsets looked AWESOME! I mean, these looked much better than the stuff already on the toy shelves. That magazine is long-gone probably, but I would love to see that article again.

Anyway, my point is, I think, that if it's not out there for you, make one of your own...and the TOD would probably be one of the easier sets to make.

Your wish is granted!
And some more


Active member
That's pretty ingenious....

I used to use an old Aladdin playset for a temple of doom-ish filler. It had a staircase that would shoot up flames and a ring of swords when a step was pressed. Also had this huge gold snake head thing. With a different paint job it could have worked rather well.

Agent Z

Active member
Billy Ray said:

WOW! Thank you so much for finding those! You know, given all the Star Wars fandom online, I don't know why I never thought that someone along the way would have remembered and scanned said issues.

The issue I was remembering was for the Hoth playset. C'mon, that still looks pretty cool, pun intended, even today! :D

Seeing these pages again only confirms my belief that, for better or for worse, lost childhood mementos are becoming more and more rare these days, thanks to the interweb.