Indy on Pop Label?


Active member brother just submitted his picture and got chosen to be on Jones cola. They should have INDY labels! That would be awsome! Anyone high up that would be able to make this happen? You all know you would buy them.

If you want to check it out
There are different labels on the bottles all the time with cool pictures. People collect them!

For those of you who are dressed like Indy! SEND YOUR PICTURES! Maybe you'll make a label.
Indy belongs on the Jones Soda Bottle Labels!
Comon guy's you can even submit them online!
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Active member
It gotta be Indy's destiny to be on this label or at least on of us fans that look like him!...hint...hint....


Active member
Anyone going to send a photo??...Anyone? (IndyJohan hears a cricket chirping in the background)

Indyz Azn Gurl

New member
Hmm...I think someone beat us to it...:p



Active member
how did you find that?
ANyway's its not real. I need a bottle in my hand with at least an Indy fan


Active member
That would be so sweet. Especially if Burger King had those collector plastic cups they had for TOD...maybe they will make them glass!