FedIV Deluxe Semi-Reblock


New member
My FedIV was slowly shrinking and tapering. I guess putting it through too much rain showers and the heat in my country has taken its toll on the poor thing. A few days ago, my mom noticed that it looked "smaller" than usual. This alarmed me, because she can hardly tell my hats apart. I guess it was really shrinking.

It was then I decided to do a semi-reblock using the foam block I made waaaayyyy back. I dunked the hat in a pail of water and poured water inside the crown to make sure it was properly wet and pliable.

Stretched it over the block and pushed and pulled the brim down to properly stretch the crown... I was a little cautious at first as I didn't want to have a repeat of my Christy's Adventurer accident (I pulled too hard and the felt in the brim break stretched too much and became very thin, losing the brim break).

Left it overnight to dry and ironed the brim as it had become all wonky from all my pushing and pulling on it.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I managed to sort of revive it from it's tapered appearance.


Sorry for the crappy cellphone pics. Still haven't gotten my digicam repaired.

Watcha guys think?

* I call it a semi-reblock because I didn't remove the sweatband. *