So, the really important question: What about the poster?

Crack that whip

New member
As we all know, Drew Struzan retired not long after doing the last movie, and even more sadly, Richard Amsel is dead (as are John Alvin, and Bob Peak and so many others). :( Moreover, that entire tradition of conventional illustration for movie posters is, well, just out of vogue these days. Now our cineplex lobby walls are mostly full of these excessively burnished-looking Photoshopped jobs with muted colors. I'm so over them and have been for years, but they're what we get these days, like it or not.

If we do get a fifth Indiana Jones movie, what will be done about the posters? What should be done about them? What would we like to see?

Crack that whip

New member
(repeating myself from the other thread):


Well... coolness, then. I guess that's one less thing to keep me up at nights... :eek: :p