Out of the Sunrise


Just a thought about a possible clever beginning for the Indy IV movie.

There seems to be a lot of significance to the 'riding into the sunset' ending scene of Last Crusade. For a lot of fans his defines the END of the Indiana Jones movie saga.

So why not turn it around backwards, un-do if you will that END by opening Indy IV with Indiana Jones riding 'out of a sunrise'.

What do you think? Kind of goofy? Would the symbology be missed? Most movie-goers aren't die hard IJ fans anyway.


New member
I dont think an ending riding out of the sunset would be any good as Indy IV is THE END of the Indy saga as far as i think most fans is concerned.

But how about the beginning being Indy walking out of the sunset so to speak out of the golden age and into the brave new world of the 50's

Attila the Professor

Staff member
Interesting thoughts, on both of your parts.

However, I just can't see a movie starting with a sunset. I'm not quite sure why, plus walking, riding, whatever out of a sunset might not be that powerful an image.

This is somewhat unrelated to the opening of Indy IV, but I feel walking into the sunset might be a powerful image to end Indy IV with.


That's one reason I never wanted to see an Indy IV... yep, the riding off into the sunset was so cool, it said: "Here it is, the end, it's been a hell of a ride, enjoy." Sign, Harrison Ford, Steven Spielberg and George Lucas. But suggesting a coming out of the sun set for the opening of Indy IV would be very cool. Maybe the paramount logo will fade to an ice-burg with the sun rising behind it, that would be cool. :D Who knows? I'll just have to wait and see I guess...

Interesting thought Monkey! :D

Barryson Ford

New member
monkey said:
Just a thought about a possible clever beginning for the Indy IV movie.

There seems to be a lot of significance to the 'riding into the sunset' ending scene of Last Crusade. For a lot of fans his defines the END of the Indiana Jones movie saga.

So why not turn it around backwards, un-do if you will that END by opening Indy IV with Indiana Jones riding 'out of a sunrise'.

What do you think? Kind of goofy? Would the symbology be missed? Most movie-goers aren't die hard IJ fans anyway.

Thats a great idea , one i thought of too.

Paramount logo evolves into a pyramid , camera pans slightly to reveal the sunrise over the desert.
A figure appears on the horizon , its a man on a horse.
He goes past the camera ,the camera turns to reveal a massive dig where the man arrives, we still dont have a good look on him.
We only see his back (its clearly Indy)as he walks trough this digging site.


I don't know, the idea sounds kinda corny

but if done kind of line Barryson Ford suggest....it could work

but I would rather not see it as the opening of the film


New member
Well, those are great ideas, but I was thinking maybe it will end on the sunSET again. Indy kissing the girl on the sunset or something...but those a good ideas.


New member
I'm thinking along the lines of what Barryson posted. Perhaps we see a pyramid, mountain, whatever, when the Paramount logo fades. The camera pulls back or pans until we see a sunrise/sunset. Soon, a figure comes into focus. It's a man on a horse. **Here's where my thoughts differ from Barryson** Instead of having Indy at the site of a dig, I see him being chased by a group of people also on horses (or maybe in cars/trucks). He might be getting close to acquiring something or maybe he has it and they're trying to get it back. From this point it needs some work as I haven't really given much thought beyond this point.

Pale Horse

Staff member
Rising Sun?!

Are you guys really thinking about this. I think there would be too many overtones to have Indy arrive out of a rising sunrise. I mean, come on. Look what we just did to Japan, assuming this is set in the early 50's.

Attila the Professor

Staff member
Re: Rising Sun?!

apalehorse said:
Are you guys really thinking about this. I think there would be too many overtones to have Indy arrive out of a rising sunrise. I mean, come on. Look what we just did to Japan, assuming this is set in the early 50's.

Hmm...that's something I never considered, but seeing as neither has anyone else, and we're all fans of a WWII era film series, it seems to me if it doesn't occur to us that the rising sun would be related to Japan, I don't think most of the viewing audience would either.


Hmmm, very interesting point my faded equine friend.

Actually I was not thinking anything at all about Japan, nor nuclear weapons, in relation to the rising sun idea when I first posted it. But your point is very significant seeing as the movie is set in the fifties. The rising sun could very easily be seen as both a symbol of the nuclear age, and perhaps of Japan/Hiroshima as well.

But then maybe that could be a good thing. Maybe it could be used precisely as such a symbol. And at the same time, it could be linked to the 'riding off into the sun set' of Last Crusade.

"He is symbolically riding out of one age of mankind, and into another, a new dark age, a dark age that is brightly lit by the flash of the atomic bomb."

Corny? Hmmmm, maybe, don't be afraid to say so.

Attila the Professor

Staff member
Hmm...I don't know if you're suggesting an opening narration, but it would fit in well with the old serials.

Say! How about an opening scene with Indy watching an adventure serial in the movie theatre?


New member
I don't think I would worry about the rising sun/Japan connection unless Indy's enemies happen to be from Japan. If they are from Brazil (just throwing it out there) I don't think there would be a problem. When people see the rising or setting sun, most wouldn't immediately think, "Oh wait...1950's...Rising Sun...Japan...oh my!!" I'm guessing the general reaction would be, "wow, that's a cool picture, kind of like the end of LC...I wonder what Indy's after now."

Basically, I think the Japan connection is the result of overthinking it. (That's actually a compliment...obviously not enough people, including myself, are historically aware enough of such things!!)