Dialogue (Emperor's Tomb)


New member
Is there somewhere on the web where I can find the entire spoken dialogue for ET? Probably a long shot, but I thought it couldn't hurt to ask.


New member
Do you have the game as PC?

If so, go to C:\\Program Files\Lucasarts\Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb\GameData\indy\dialogue\ and you will find the subtitle text files.

If you don't, email me nospam@yolegoman.com and I'll send you the txt files via attachments.



New member
Yolegoman said:
Do you have the game as PC?

If so, go to C:\\Program Files\Lucasarts\Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb\GameData\indy\dialogue\ and you will find the subtitle text files.

If you don't, email me nospam@yolegoman.com and I'll send you the txt files via attachments.

Okay, expect an e-mail. I'll send it with the subject line "Indy Dialogue" so you know it's me. :)


New member
Again, thanks.

To be honest, I was hoping it'd have some of the main dialogue from the cut-scenes (it seems to be all in-game dialogue) but that's cool.

Interestingly, I like how one of Indy's lines is "I have a bad feeling about this." An Indy adventure just wouldn't be without a Star Wars reference. :b


New member
Actually, there is the dialouge from the cutscenes, its usually either right at the beginning or right at the end of the txt file.



New member

Some of the stuff there does answer questions. I was reading the Kong Tien (Possessed Mei) and it pretty much clears it as a demon (and a real nasty one apparently according to what he says when he fights you). Lots of neat stuff.

Thanks again, Yole.


Staff member
Don't know if the voice work follows the files exactly. I edited it through Excel, Text, then Word. Every level's file starts with new in-game Indy lines, which I sprinkled in as seemed logical. I know it's not perfect. Read it all here.

IDY According to the map, that stone head marks the secret entrance into the lost city. (to self)
IDY Beyond the city lies the temple of the black river goddess and inside, the Idol of Kouru Watu. I’m close now.
IDY Good thing I brought my whip
IDY I'll need to cut through these vines
IDY I can use this water to fill up my canteen
IDY Looks like that Pillar is ready to topple. I just have to give it a push in the right spot.
IDY Hmm… This looks interesting.
IDY The stone has been weakened here. If I could get my hands on some explosives, I could blast a way through.
IDY That bat statue is some sort of trap mechanism. It seems to be triggered by sounds. Maybe I can trick it into shooting at something else.
IDY Whoa… looks like somebody's been overfeeding the fish.
IDY If I don't get that monster out of the way this is going to be a real short swim.
IDY Ivory Hunters. These guys are no boy scouts. I’d better watch my back.
IHR Keep an eye out for the American. Von Beck wants his head!
IHR Damn mosquitoes!
IHR Von Beck isn’t paying us enough for this.
IHR There he is!
IHR Oi! He’s over here!
IHR Get him lads!
IHR I’m gonna make you eat that whip!
IHR I’ll gut you like a fish, pretty boy!
IHR Eat this, Yankee!
IHR You fight dirty, eh? Well so do I!
IDY That was too close.
IDY There it is….the Heart of Kouru Watu
IDY There must be away to get that thing open.
IDY There she is, Kouru Watu. Not exactly my idea of a hot date. (to self)
IDY There’s got to be a way inside.
VBK Guten Tag, Dr. Jones. It’s a beautiful day for a swim, is it not? I would join you, but I seem to have forgotten my bathing suit.
IDY No problem. I can lend you mine. It’s back at the hotel.
VBK Ah, the famous American sense of humor! (chuckling)
VBK I never really understood it. (draws a mauser)
IDY Look, Hans or Klaus, or whatever your name is… I don’t know what you’re talking about, but whatever it is, I’m sure we can cut a deal. (angry)
VBK Very well, here is the “deal”… you will give me the idol. (raises his pistol)
VBK Now!
IDY Okay, okay, you’ve made your point. I’ve got what you want right here. (raises hands)
VBK Aarrgh! Kill him!
KAI Excuse me…
IDY The exhibit hall is upstairs. (not looking up)
KAI We are not tourists, Dr. Jones.
KAI I am Marshal Kai Ti Chang of the Chinese Republic. This is my assistant, Mei Ying.
IDY So... what can I do for you? (playfully at Mei Ying)
MYG Are you sure this is the right Dr. Jones? It’s a very common name… (in Cantonese to Kai)
KAI Don’t let appearances fool you. Dr. Jones comes highly recommended and as someone who is not afraid to get his hands dirty. (in Cantonese to Mei Ying)
IDY Hands, knees, elbows... whatever it takes to get the job done. What did you have in mind? (in Cantonese to Mei Ying)
KAI What do you know about Ch’in Shi-Huang-ti?
IDY The first emperor of China? He built the Great Wall and established a dynastic government that lasted for centuries. His reign lasted from 255 B.C. to--
KAI That information can be found in a schoolbook, Dr. Jones. My interests concern the stories surrounding the Emperor’s tomb. (interrupting)
KAI As you’re undoubtedly aware, Emperor Ch’in is buried under Mount Li near the city of Sian.
IDY Yes. That’s about all anybody really knows for sure.
IDY According to the legends, Ch’in’s tomb is an immense underground city filled with unimaginable riches, which took thousands of workers several years to build.
IDY After its completion, all those involved with the construction of the tomb were sealed inside.
IDY At least that’s what the stories say. Due to Chinese superstition nobody really knows for sure.
KAI Yes, the Chinese people have always held that excavation and desecration of the tomb are one and the same. As a consequence, no one has ever been allowed to explore it.
KAI Until now.
IDY Why are you coming to me with this? Chinese history isn’t exactly my specialty. (ponders Kai’s last line)
KAI It’s your non-academic reputation that interests me. Have you ever heard of the Heart of the Dragon?
IDY Only in Chinese folklore. It’s a mythological artifact, like Excalibur or the Holy Grail.
KAI Ah, but unlike those flights of western fancy, the Heart of the Dragon is quite real.
KAI A flawless black pearl that was buried with the Emperor, it’s said that the Heart possesses the power to control the will of men.
IDY Look, I know you traveled a long way to see me, but I’m an archaeologist not a mystic.
KAI Then it’s a good thing I came looking for an archaeologist.
KAI Superstitious folk tales aside, the Heart is a priceless treasure of the Chinese people; one that must never fall into the wrong hands.
KAI That is why China wants you to find it.
IDY Okay, let’s say I’m interested. It’ll take months of meticulous excavation to find the entrance to Ch’in’s crypt... I wouldn’t even know where to begin.
KAI On the contrary, Dr. Jones, you’ve already begun.
IDY Hey!
IDY What the heck is that?
KAI It is one-third of the Mirror of Dreams. The Mirror is the key to finding the crypt’s entrance within the tomb.
MYG You do not realize the magnitude of the events you have set in motion, Dr. Jones. Even as we speak, others are pursuing the two remaining pieces. (interrupting)
MYG If they get the Mirror, nothing will stop them from entering the crypt, stealing the Heart, and using its power to enslave the world!
KAI My apologies, Professor. My assistant is cursed with a vivid imagination and an impetuous tongue.
IDY Reminds me of my last date.
KAI In any event, the British government has graciously allowed me to take possession of this artifact on China’s behalf.
KAI We want you to recover the final two pieces of the Mirror, enter Ch’in’s crypt, and recover the Heart of the Dragon.
KAI You’ll become the most famous archaeologist in history. Will you help us?
IDY A chance to become the first man in the Emperor’s Tomb? (Kai nods)
IDY When do we leave?
KAI I’ve already booked you a flight to Prague. It leaves tomorrow morning.
MYG This contains everything you need to know. Read it on the flight.
MYG Be careful, Dr. Jones. The path to the Dragon’s Heart is more dangerous than you can imagine.
IDY It always is, sweetheart.


Staff member
Here's the generic lines file I couldn't integrate.
Notice the Die Hard reference, "shoot the glass"?

IDY I can’t take much more of this.
IDY Whew… I’m exhausted. I sure could use a drink.
IDY That’s the way to the gondola station. If I had the right change of clothes, I might even get a ride.
IDY This looks important.
IDY This belongs in a museum…
IDY She might not be pretty, but she’s got it where it counts.
IDY Sweetheart, we have a date with destiny
IDY Pull the pin, throw, run like hell.
IDY I think the odds just changed in my favor.
IDY Time to do a little redecorating…
IDY Party of one?
IDY Bill me
IDY Put it on my tab…
IDY Bottoms up!
IDY This ones on me!
IDY Time to do a little gardening
IDY Its full.
IDY I've had enough.
IDY Times like this…. I realize I should have kept that teaching job.
IDY We can do this the easy or hard way
IDY Why do they always pick the hard way…
IDY These guys just DON’T give up!”
IDY Now you're really getting on my nerves…
IDY I don’t hit women… but in your case… I’ll make an exception.
IDY This’ll hurt more than your feelings, sweetheart
IDY You mugs ever hear of a shower?”
IDY Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse…
IDY You've gotta be kidding me
IDY Have a nice trip…
IDY Watch that last step…
IDY Homerun!
IDY Score!
IDY We have a winner!
IDY Four!
IDY Sharks. I hate sharks.
IDY This looks important.
IDY This could come in handy.
IDY Trust me.
IDY It's not the years...it's the mileage
IDY I don’t know…I’m making this up as I go
IDY This could come in handy.
IDY “Lock n load.”
IDY "I hate it when there are more Nazis than I have bullets."
IDY Not good! I need an edge …
IDY That’s it. I’m empty.
IDY Hmmm…
IDY This oughtta even up the odds.
IDY Boom.
IDY I’ll try not to blow myself up.
IDY Fortune and glory, here I come.
IDY I’m gonna be a rich man. If I ever get out of this alive...
IDY Jackpot.
IDY That’s not going to work.
IDY Not bad. Sometimes I impress even myself.
IDY Nice.
IDY Indiana Jones, world famous archaeologist. Got a nice ring to it.
IDY Hey, what’s that?!
IDY I think someone just stepped on my grave.
IDY It's too quiet. (emphasis on too)
IDY I’ve got a bad feeling about this.
IDY That was too close. (emphasis on too)
IDY I think it's time to find a new career.
IDY It's jammed shut.
IDY I’ll have to find another way around.
IDY Hmm… It’s locked from the other side.
IDY Nazis. I hate these guys.
IDY Look out!
IDY Behind you!

KAI The mirror is the key to finding the crypt's entrance within the tomb

KAP At last, I have returned to claim my destiny!
KAP No mere mortal can stand against me!
KAP Behold! The power of the Dragon!

MYG Don’t get fresh with me. We have a job to do.
MYG Exactly what do you think you’re doing?
MYG Why are you looking at me like that?
MYG Hmmph… I thought you were supposed to be some sort of world famous Archaeologist.
MYG I’m waiting…
MYG The Black Dragons will answer for their crimes.
MYG Watch your back, Indy. The Black Dragons know we’re here.
MYG Behind you, Indy!
MYG Indy, look out!
MYG Try my Jade Phoenix technique! (in Mandarin)
MYG You’ll have to do better than that Triad scum! (in Mandarin)
MYG Time to kick some ass! (in Mandarin)

GOA Heil Hitler!
GOA The cowardly American is hiding around here somewhere.
GOA Ja, This place gives me the creeps!
GOA Watch your step, this castle is riddled with booby traps.
GOA Break down the door!
GOA The American! Kill him! (in German)
GOA We need backup! (in German)
GOA Vas is das? (German - What was that?)
GOA "You’re a dead man, Jones!"
GOA "Let’s see what you’ve got, yankee!" (in German)
GOA Shoot the glass… (in German)
GOA "You’ll pay for that, yankee scum!"
GOA Maybe we can play cards later, ja?
GOA Nein, you took all my money last time.
GOA Not too much more of this, I hope.
GOA Just keep your eyes open.
GOA Don't ash in that, it's our drinking water!
GOA One filthy American, and we're supposed to be scared? That Von Beck's a loon.
GOA Maybe when I'm done here, Herr Goering will give me that riding crop he promised me.
GOA *ahem* Do you have your papers? Nein, nein, not intimidating enough …
GOA *hrm* Show me your papers now, please! Ja, that's it!
GOA To think, I joined the secret police to get *away* from guard duty!
GOA Dumbkopf! Who left the machine gun out!? Alarm! Alarm!
GOA They really shouldn't leave these things lying around. Somebody could get hurt.
GOA It's too heavy to open by hand.
GOA All's well that ends well.
GOA Ach. What I wouldn't give for a good strudel.

SSO Return to your posts! (in German)
SSO Heil Hitler!
SSO You men follow me! (in German)
SSO Attack! (in German)
SSO Shoot to kill! (in German)
SSO What is that? (German - What was that?)
SSO Surrender or die!
SSO "You’ll never get out of here alive, yankee!"
SSO "You’ll pay for that, yankee scum!"

SSS Jawohl!
SSS Heil Hitler!
SSS Hahahahaha!
SSS Ja! Ja!
SSS "I can walk, mein fuhrer! " (in German)
SSS That was Indiana Jones! We are lucky to be alive! (in German)
SSS Run for your lives! (in German)
SSS Your papers are in order.
SSS Halt!
SSS Schnell! Schnell!
SSS It's the American! (in German)
SSS He's over here! (in German)
SSS Vas is das? (German - What was that?)
SSS "Your luck has just run out, Yankee!" (in German)
SSS "I’ll put my boot up your butt, American!" (in German)
SSS Come on! Fight! (in German)
SSS I’ll get a medal for this! (in German)
SSS I’m going to enjoy this! (in German)
SSS I’ll get you for that you filthy swine! (in German)

PGD Shut up! Get back to work! (in Mandarin)
PGD Protect the Master! (in Mandarin)
PGD You there! Stop where you are! (in Mandarin)
PGD It’s the American. Kill Him! (in Mandarin)
PGD "You’ve made a big mistake, Gwai Lo." (in Mandarin)
PGD Taste my spear! (in Mandarin)

TGT Marshall Kai will have our heads if we don’t find the American. (in Mandarin)
TGT There he is! (in Mandarin)
TGT He’s over here! (in Mandarin)
TGT Kill the Gwai Lo! (in Mandarin)
TGT (KeeeYaaa!!!)
TGT He’s mine! (in Mandarin)

TMY Allahu Akbar!
TMY He’s over here! Get him!
TMY I’ll turn you into a shish kabob! (Turkish)
Attila the Professor said:

Not sure if scanning the entire generic line list to find it was worth it, but even so.

Definitely worth it. It made my day and has forever elevated for me that fairly mediocre game. (y)


Staff member
(Important note: the Feng twins are female.)

IDY What was that?
FT1 It’s a shame we have to kill this one.
FT1 He looks like fun. (seductive)
FT2 Business before pleasure, Mei Mei, the master wants his head on a stake. (serious)
IDY Nice fans.
FT1 Kiieeeya!
FT1 Save some for me!
FT1 Catch!
FT2 My turn!
FT2 I’ll bet you’d like to use that whip on me, wouldn’t you handsome?
IDY Well, that was a new one.
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