Star Wars: The Force Awakens


Active member
Spoiler alert

I have it on VERY good authority that the Force Awakens is not actually about the force as we think of it in terms of A Force that Binds the Universe.... It is actually the force that has driven Han to transform. By the end of the movie he will be know as Catlin Solo. He and Lando were last seen cracking open a few Bespin 45's together.

Pale Horse

Staff member
Nominated for Post of the Year award. Do I hear a 2nd?

(It would certainly solve the "he's too old" arguments, wouldn't it.)
C-3P0 has a new, red arm! Brilliant!


Staff member
The Vanity Fair article worries Scriptshadow. From his emailed newsletter:
What it sounds like to me, was that they had roughly 3 months (assuming the major beats needed to be figured out 3 months before shooting) to not only come up with a movie script, but a script that would begin a carefully laid out trilogy. Do you know how hard it is to write a great script in three months? Do you know how hard it is to write a great script in three months that requires the kind of imagination a Star Wars movie does!?

JJ and Kasdan have basically been asked to pull off a miracle. Nail a Star Wars script on the first draft. These are two very talented gentleman but I’ve read too many scripts to know that even the best writers struggle to pull off scripts in that amount of time. Ideas need time to gestate. Scripts need failed drafts to help the writers see what’s not working.

So here’s where things get interesting. Some Star Wars geeks found one of those random Star Wars comic book adventures that had lots of similar characters and images from JJ’s two Force Awakens trailers. Could it be that, rushed for time, JJ and Kasdan accepted that they couldn’t come up with a full story and so borrowed from a Star Wars comic book? Compare the images of the book with what you see in the trailer and prepare to be wowed.

Pale Horse

Staff member
Dr. Gonzo said:
(I placed this under spoiler because of said filming location.)

Duh, we all know that?!?


Though it said filming was last year, and you indicate today. Just an FYI


I usually try to avoid spoilers, but ive heard some mouth watering rumors and fan theories that I gotta get off my chest.

1) kylo ren is a vader fan boy who is trying to collect darth vader relics like his helmet and lightsaber
2) rumor has it that Hayden Christensen (Anakin/vader from prequels) is being trained in some stunt work or something by some guys from Britain. People have thought that maybe it would be for the new rogue one film but they wonder why have hayden if vader is going to be in the suit the whole time
3) episode eight is now filming

Kylo ren is trying to resurrect or clone darth vader, perhaps using residue force from his old relics. If this is true that a vader clone will appear then it would make sense to have hayden in that role because darth vader would not need to be in his suit if he was a fresh clone. How cool would it be to see an old clone Anakin fighting, say, luke in episode 8? I think it would be pretty cool and suddenly make the prequels not totally irrelevant...who knows


New member
New trailer. I loathe the over-wrought "epic" trailer music, but the visuals and cinematography are stunning.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Staff member
Supercut of everything so far (mostly sequential):

<iframe width="660" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Well-known member
Looks good. Nothing much given away which builds curiosity for me. But that first scene in the desert with the crashed star destroyer immersed in haze makes me think that planet must have the same pollution problems we now have on Earth. Haze everywhere, even out at sea! Where oh where is it all coming from?

Pale Horse

Staff member
Mickiana said:
Haze everywhere, even out at sea! Where oh where is it all coming from?

Burning of fossil huts on a global scale, with little regard for environmental constraints.


Well-known member
Pale Horse said:
Burning of fossil huts on a global scale, with little regard for environmental constraints.

No, there is something far more obvious going on. This hazy look is so prevalent in movies now, even in scenes that are CG. In movies and in real life, mountain ranges that are nowhere near major enters are misty looking, the horizon out at sea where there is definitely no activity has that dirty look, and even on a sunday when business traffic isn't happening there is this persistent haze over urban and country areas.

Is this all due to coal burning and combustion engines? Is it really? Virtually all coal fired power stations have filters and combustion engines are not putting out that much particulate. I'm finding this difficult to believe. I think there is something else at play.


Well-known member
Yes, aerial perspective is interesting, but it is different from what I am trying to address. In the bottom of that Wikipedia page is a list of related words to look up, including 'haze'. That is more of what I am referring to.

The view of the crashed Star Destroyer is not so distant as to warrant aerial perspective. Instead, it distinctly has haze all in front of it. Story-wise, that could be dust from winds on that dry planet, or smoke from something burning off screen, but I doubt if the story line will expose the cause, that being not as important as just the fact that there is this distinct haze in front of it.

It just seems a coincidence that haze is now epidemic around the world, even in places where it just shouldn't be, by normal standards, that is. This is diverging from talking directly about the next SW movie, but the trailer does show this anomaly which I think warrants pointing out.


Well-known member
Moedred said:
Supercut of everything so far (mostly sequential):
Not everything, though. A few shots are missing (but that's O.K.)

The "Droids" series had a bad guy called, Kybo Ren, and this new villain's name is unabashedly similar (Kylo Ren). The prequels had a couple of references to the "Droids" cartoon so this must be another one.

I really hope that Vader's helmet isn't empty. It should have a burnt head inside.:dead:


Staff member
Ford says it will be great. "Trust me!"

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