No New Indy Game At E3 ... Or Anything Else From LucasArts!


Well-known member
Wait, did that article mention ANOTHER Indy LEGO game. I like them - but I can't imagine a whole game on just KotCS! Maybe young Indy ... ? :confused:

The Tingler

New member
It specifically says "no new games will be shown at E3". While I highly doubt that LucasArts were being subtle, Indiana Jones 2006/7/8/9 is hardly new!


New member
IAdventurer01 said:
Wait, did that article mention ANOTHER Indy LEGO game. I like them - but I can't imagine a whole game on just KotCS! Maybe young Indy ... ? :confused:
KOTCS, FOA & either ET or some other Indy game.

Attila the Professor

Staff member
Shortie said:
KOTCS, FOA & either ET or some other Indy game.

The problem with ET (it would be the same problem with IM) is that it doesn't have a great wealth of characters to include, the way FoA definitely does and KotCS mostly does (this isn't really a slam - it had lot of second-tier characters, but hardly anything on the third or fourth).

I could see them doing like 6 different Young Indy's though, and having that be a film's worth. My worry is that they might do <I>all</I> Young Indy, which could be charming, but odd.

Crack that whip

New member
As they've done a "complete saga" game for that other Lucasfilm LEGO endeavor after doing a game apiece for both the prequel and classic trilogies, which cover the same ground, what's to stop them from just doing a larger LEGO Indy game that includes the original adventures again, but adds KotCS (and, perhaps, some YI)?


Well-known member
My gosh, I'm dying for some new footage or screenshots of the new Indy game. Is that to much to ask?


New member
IAdventurer01 said:
Wait, did that article mention ANOTHER Indy LEGO game. I like them - but I can't imagine a whole game on just KotCS! Maybe young Indy ... ? :confused:

theyll probably just make six levels of indy 4 and some bonus levels of young indy and add it on to the original game.

its like the lego star wars complete saga game
DocWhiskey said:
My gosh, I'm dying for some new footage or screenshots of the new Indy game. Is that to much to ask?

Apparently it is because we've been waiting since...oh...2006?

Can Lucas get any God damn thing right? Everything he has touched since 1984 has gone to total ****!!! I dont trust him to wipe his own ass anymore.


Well-known member
Because all Lucas cares about is Star Wars.................... **** Star Wars the last thing the world needs is another Star Wars game Indy took the backseat once again.......


New member
LEGO Indy wasn't announced at E3, it was announced at Comic Con. And they didn't say anything about Comic Con, just E3.

The Tingler

New member
Lucas has very little to do with LucasArts, despite it bearing his name. He gave his blessing to the stories for both Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings, but otherwise has no involvement. Don't go blaming him for LucasArts' lateness, or going down the toilet by sacking all the members of staff.

The Drifter

New member
Seems to me that a new StarWars game is released almost every year.
The Force Unleashed looks promising, but I want news on the new Indy game.

Last I heard about it was in an old mag showing off the physics engine. Hell, the time the game comes around, that physics engine will be ancient and obsolete.

The Tingler

New member
They are making it, and once Force Unleashed is out of the way (now pretty much) development will go swiftly. I bet you we will be getting previews and new videos before the end of the year - most likely around KOTCS's home video release.


New member
Lucasarts has been doing very poorly lately. They used to have a bunch of games in production all the time. Now how many games are they working on? A Star Wars game that they're betting a lot on, an action shooting game that looks like every other action shooting game, and an Indy game that might as well not exist.

The Drifter

New member
LucasArts just needs to show some Indy love.

Shadows of the Empire on Nintendo 64 was the best StarWars game anyway.

The Tingler

New member
spiralout said:
Lucasarts has been doing very poorly lately. They used to have a bunch of games in production all the time. Now how many games are they working on? A Star Wars game that they're betting a lot on, an action shooting game that looks like every other action shooting game, and an Indy game that might as well not exist.

We're hoping that this means quality over quantity (which they certainly need), although having about three members of staff left including Jim-Jim the Tea Boy might have something to do with it.