Serial intro

Attila the Professor

Staff member
In the "out of the sunrise" thread, an idea crossed my mind about opening the film with a narration, as in the old serials, but then it occured to me, why not start it with Indy watching an adventure movie in a darkened theatre. Of course, it would be in color, and I'm sure the folks at ILM could make it look like old 1950's Technicolor or some other system.

Anyway, any thoughts on this?

Attila the Professor

Staff member
Well, I guess the obvious question is how does Indy react? Meloncholy? Does he chuckle, as apalehorse suggested? Does he think it unrealistic, and then denounce it in the classroom? Hmm...

Pale Horse

Staff member
The only thing that might make this amusing with out seeming contrived, is if Indy were to be watching the film in another country; taking a break from his work at a exotic dig. I think the film on the screen could be a vehicle for the creators to pay a back handed tribute to many of the forgotten stunts a outrageous elements too daring for even Indy. As Indy sits amused in the theater, the gestapo come in looking for him and...

It could work, but I wonder if the deviation for an inital "treasure hunt" would be too threatening to some.


New member
I think that it would make a great ending to the Indy saga personally great idea Attila!

It for me would represent the culmination of Indys journey which as a hero had been concluded in LC and in Indy IV we would see that Indy in a sense had become immortal and Legend.

Attila the Professor

Staff member
Yes, I suppose the deviation from the norm is the greatest potential for problems, Plus the comparisons people would make (from the intro to Toy Story 2 to the near identicality [I know, I know...] of the beginning of YIJC: Hollywood Follies [except in this case, Indy is watching someone who looks rather like himself]). we see the theatre first, or the film being shown?

I'm suddenly reminded of the intro of LC, with the man who must surely be Indiana Jones, who who really ends up being Fedora.

Pale Horse

Staff member
I kind like the idea that the paramount logo would fade into a technicolor serial already in progress. Let the hero on screen be a "fedora" type, maybe without a hat, but not entirely recognizeable. I think it would be great to let the audience think what we first start seeing is really Indy. Then after some completely outrageous stunt too unbelieveable for even Indy, the camera pulls back and we see we are in a theater. It's a cheap film trick, but always effective. Then we see Indy relaxing, and then the susoense of the Cold war element could be brought in.

Attila the Professor

Staff member
To the above: I like it.

Anyway, and this is a question for bob, I'm glad to hear you like the idea...but do you like it for the intro, or for the conclusion? It wasn't quite clear from your post.

Attila the Professor

Staff member
I justed wanted to mention something...I'm reminded that Citizen Kane opens in much the same way, after the "Rosebud" line (I'm referring to the newsreel scene). So, it might be a cool idea for Indy IV to begin or end the same way Indy I ended...referencing Citizen Kane.

Attila the Professor

Staff member
It also occurs to me that this intro would work for Indy noir (which we must admit, isn't too likely), tongue-in-check homage to the old adventure films, just another film in the series (remember, each one does open rather differently), or whatever else.

Pale Horse

Staff member
I don't think we should dismiss it so easily, though. I think it has more intelligence then some of the other ideas, which have seemed a little tired. Darbont is a savy and cleaver writer. I think an intelligent opening could still embody adventure. I think there is a chance that the creators know this. In fact, I am almost hoping for something like this, (now that it has been realized here).


I love your idea! Please forgive me though if I hijack it for a moment and give my own (twisted?) twist on it:

The year is 19 fifty ....something. Indiana Jones is sitting in a darkened theatre. He is munching popcorn and watching the action unfold on the big screen. Of course it is a B-movie type, action serial. There is a girl sitting next to him, his date of course (duh! like Indy goes to the movies alone). They watch a scene unfold on the screen where the hero slides off the hood of a moving truck and climbs his way along the underside, being dragged all the way on his back, until he climbs back up on the back of the truck, comes back up to the cab, fights with the driver.......(you know the rest).

Anyway, Indy's girl turns to him, (she's a pretty young college aged girl) and says something like "That's so unbelievable, no one could actually do that!"

Jones just shrugs, and gives a little non-verbal expression that says it all. Then the girl leans over, kisses him, and then closes her eyes for a moment. On her right eye lid is written "LOVE", on her left lid is written "YOU".

Attila the Professor

Staff member
Yeah, I know that...

but I guess it really depends on what the particular Indy fan wants...I envisioned it with Indy by himself...monkey sees him with the "love you"'s really a matter of personal preference.


New member
long time no post for me...just checking in

here's my spin on the topic's scene....

Indy's sitting alone in a theater watching an adventure flick of the 1950's, the precursors to his own movies of course. but this film is far more corny and cheesey than indy can take, since indy knows what real adventure is like. after sitting through a few of these ridiculous scenes, he promptly leaves his seat and walks out of the dark theater shaking his head...


New member
I remember this idea! I think it would be best if Indy goes solo, his ripe age would seem to suggest this, and of course some sort of shrug of the shoulders when he see's the hero jump on the truck.

It would be an great in-joke...

Pale Horse

Staff member
What about the "Noir" aspect off the Gestapo Russian agents pulling him out of the theater, similar to LC, but with malicious intentions right from the get go?


New member
I think it would be cool if they had an old action movie picture, something like Bogart and a young kid says hey "It's the good guy.He's AMAZING" to IJ.Then the kids mother would say "It's just an old man. He can't do does things" and then, wanting to prove them wrong he goes on a spectacular adventure!