What on earth is going on?!


Well-known member
Can please someone tell me what the heck is going on regards Indyologist's threads regarding voting for the guys in their Indygear.

I logged onto the Raven at 8.30 pm England Time and found that the polls had been locked.

So guys, tell me this. How on earth are us girls supposed to vote if the threads have been locked? :(

I think you'll agree that I'm a pretty reasonable person, but I just don't understand whats going on.


well there already was ONE thread for that and I believe the mods wanted it to remain one instead of all the different ones.


Staff member
Well, the answer is simple. We came into conclusion that those voting threads out there were messing the board layout... you know, it was difficult to make the other threads out through them. Not impossible, I admit, but surely harder than usually. So we decide to limit the votes as one at a time. The rest of the threads were locked, but will be reopened once you tell us you're done with the previous one. Simple, no?

But to make this up, the current vote will be made a sticky topic that stays on the top of the page, no matter if no one posts into it.

<small>And yeah, it's me granted with a grasp of power again. But don't think this is something performed by my twisted mind only. I do have our respected admin's approval... and not being the only one who thinks this is the best way to handle it.</small>

Have a nice day.


Well-known member
Thank you. Now I understand.

So Finn, you're now a moderator again. How'd that happen. :p


Just kidding. ;)


Staff member
You know Ren, I kinda share your thoughts. When I found out they're going to make me a watcher again, my first impression was "these guys never learn".

...or then, nationality really <i>does</i> matter. Let's have a look at from what parts of the world the people around here visit our little gigs. We have a lot of Americans. Lot of the mods are Americans, too. Then we do have Canucks, a handful of Brits, Dutchmen, French, Spaniards, Germans... and as the bottom of the pot, two lousy Finns. As you may have noticed, we have two European mods, both of them being, well... go figure.


Staff member
As usual, I'm just doing my best.

And guess it's the time to figure out if I've become any better.

Tennessee R

New member
Conglations, Finn.

Do you want me to break it real slow to 00Kevin when he gets back? ;)
No, I'm glad your a mod again. Are you still going to be in the service?

Attila the Professor

Staff member
Tennessee R said:
Conglations, Finn.

Do you want me to break it real slow to 00Kevin when he gets back? ;)
No, I'm glad your a mod again. Are you still going to be in the service?

Not to respond on Finn's behalf, but I highly doubt that he's been deferred just because he's been made a moderator, even if that does serve to better international relations somewhat.


Moderator Emeritus
Finn must join <a href="http://www.mil.fi">The Finnish Defence Forces</a>. If he doesn't want to, he must go to non-military service. If he doesn't want to do either, he will be punished.

The same goes with every male Finn. Even me.


New member
Renderking Fisk said:
I?ll get trashed for saying this.

I think The Service should be mandatory for every adult male here in the United States. Not put everyone into hot spots like Iraq an Afghanistan? or anywhere you would put professional solders. Nope? inspecting cargo carriers coming in from over-seas, fire the complete incompetent and RETARDED baggage inspectors at the airports, and round up the ILLEGAL Aliens from Terrorist nations.

Give boys a year or two between High School and college so they can figure out what they want to do.

That's my biggest regret: that I never served in the Military. Out of high school, all I wanted to be was a filmmaker. Then I got b****slapped by reality. I should have gone into the service before college/film school. Or at the very least, joined the ROTC. If only I had known then what I know now.


Renderking Fisk said:
I?ll get trashed for saying this.

I think The Service should be mandatory for every adult male here in the United States. Not put everyone into hot spots like Iraq an Afghanistan? or anywhere you would put professional solders. Nope? inspecting cargo carriers coming in from over-seas, fire the complete incompetent and RETARDED baggage inspectors at the airports, and round up the ILLEGAL Aliens from Terrorist nations.

Give boys a year or two between High School and college so they can figure out what they want to do.
I can agree with this. Most other countries have mandatory military service for young men and women once a certain age is reached. The only reason I didn't go into the military (either Navy SeaBees or Army Corps of Engineers) was out of respect for my mother, who asked me not to.

Her only brother was MIA and later declared KIA in Vietnam. He was a crewchief/machinegunner on a Huey. His chopper was shot down running air support for a SOG mission. He was too badly wounded to be moved by the other crew members (also wounded). When the Medivac came he was nowhere to be found. Then the Huey was destroyed to keep it out of enemy hands.

My mom couldn't watch We Were Soldiers or Blackhawk Down (or any other war movie with helicopters).



Moderator Emeritus
Fisk; I don't agree at all, but I can understand your point of view.
I just believe it should be your own choice. You shouldn't be forced into these kind of things.


New member
Renderking Fisk said:
I?ll get trashed for saying this.

I think The Service should be mandatory for every adult male here in the United States. Not put everyone into hot spots like Iraq an Afghanistan? or anywhere you would put professional solders. Nope? inspecting cargo carriers coming in from over-seas, fire the complete incompetent and RETARDED baggage inspectors at the airports, and round up the ILLEGAL Aliens from Terrorist nations.

Give boys a year or two between High School and college so they can figure out what they want to do.

Don't call baggage inspectors retarded...that's an insult to retarded people. ;) :D

Seriously, people with Down Syndrome are more competent than most airport employees, and twice as friendly.


Staff member
Small countries need mandatory armies, that comes for granted. If the tight spot comes, five million Finns can probably arm about a million men (or little less) to defend their country. And as VP well stated out there, the official name of this entity of service really is the Finnish <i>Defense</i> Forces. Defense. There is not a single time in history when this army would have performed an offensive attack.

With US... well, I can think of one thing why the army isn't mandatory out there. Money. Anyone have any idea how much would it cost to train generation after generation? And besides, US has weapons like far-reaching warheads and such that really don't encourage to go on an offensive against them (and now I mean an actual army of another country, not those prissy terrorists who're not fighting a "honest" war)... you start an invasion and the next thing you see is a mushroom cloud there where your capital used to be.

We don't have anything like that. All we have is the people of this country, hopefully still willing to defend it against any invasion at any costs.

And that honor of defending this country is rooted pretty deep in the history. 60 years ago, we were facing an enemy that had ten times more men on the other side of the lines directed to go against us. This enemy also had better equipment... and lots of more of it.

And for five years... they do nothing but fight. A country that was supposed to be a small bite taking probably five weeks to invade fends off this massive attack. 500 000 against 5 000 000. And no banana. The men on both sides had the same training, they were both mortal men, flesh and blood.

Can anybody explain this? I know I can't.


Moderator Emeritus
Nazi Germany helped Finland in the Continuation War, Finns knew the locations, they were smart and they had <i>sisu</i>. The last one is the most important one.

But it is still a miracle, and this thread is off-topic.


The desire to protect your home, family, friends, neighbors and country will always be stronger than an invader's. It's been proven countless times throughout history.



Staff member
VP said:
But it is still a miracle, and this thread is off-topic.
Actually, it's not... the title of this thread is the same thing than that what Joseph Stalin said when he visited the Finnish front...


Moderator Emeritus
...qu'un sang impure, abreuve nos sillions.

Military service was abolished in France not so long ago (I'd say about five years ago) which is good news if you ask me.

I don't think anyone should be forced into military actions. Because what if you're drafted in a war that you're firmly opposed to? (Not if your country is beeing invaded but if it's actually the invader in a pre-emptive war for example). Democracy allows everyone to have an opinion and democratic countries should respect that. Of course I'm beeing a little idealistic here but...


Staff member
Finn teaches historical war symbols, part three

They lift their Star Spangled Banners and go yelling "for freedom!"

They lift their Union Jacks and go yelling "for the King and country!"

They lift their red flags and go yelling "Uraaa!"

They lift their blue-crossed flags and go yelling "hakkaa päälle perkele!"

They lift their white flags and go yelling "we surrender!"

...seriously, I support draft service in Finland as long as I'm serving the Finnish <i>Defense</i> Forces.